You are going to learn Relay and build a mini social network at the end of this workshop
Each lesson including the exercise description can be found in each of the directories of /workshop.
I will explain everything during the intro.
Most of it is written in TypeScript (not particularily well typed). Feel free to use plain JavaScript if you prefer that.
The workshop is a "huge" monorepo with many packages, let's see what's inside:
packages - contains packages and code that make workshop exercises possible
- babel - shared babel config
- babelweb - shared babel config for web with react fast refresh
- graphql - graphql utilities to make building graphql servers with graphql-js faster
- relay - relay utilities
- route - custom routing solution until react-router supports render as you fetch
- server - graphql server used on demo and workshop exercises
- test - test utilities to make tests easy
- ui - minit design system to be used on demo and workshop exercises
- web - demo app - mini social network
- webpack - shared webpack config for the demo and workshop exercises
workshop - a set of practice exercises to really learn Relay
- 01-fetchGraphql - fetch GraphQL data using pure React
- 02-useLazyLoadQuery - fetch GraphQL data using Relay useLazyLoadQuery hook
- 03-useFragment - refactor code to colocate data using useFrament hook
- 04-usePagination - learn to paginate back and forward using usePagination hook
- 05-useMutation - learn to do mutation using useMutation hook
- 06-mutationUpdater - learn to update Relay store with mutation output data
- 07-useRefetchableFragment - use useRefetchableFragment to do some refetch queries and update data
- 08-useSubscription - learn how to useSubscription to make you app realtime
- 09-usePreloadQuery - learn the render as you fetch pattern using preloadQuery and usePreloadQuery
- 10-testUsePreloadQuery - learn how to test your Relay components using @testing-library
- 11-testUseFragment - learn how to test a single component with useFragment
- 12-testUseMutation - learn how to test mutations calls
solutions - the same folder of workshop but with my solutions
slides - some slides to help in workshop
- concepts - GraphQL and Relay Concepts
- yarn - we need to use yarn, as npm does not support workspaces yet
- node lts - we recommend using node LTS version, and nvm to manage your node version
- mongo - you can
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb-community
docker run -d -p PORT:27017 --name CONTAINER_NAME -d mongo:latest - run mongo:latest image in detached mode
docker tips
docker ps: list all running containers
docker ps -a: list all containers (including the exited ones)
docker stop CONTAINER_NAME: stop the container
docker start CONTAINER_NAME: start the container
docker rm CONTAINER_NAME: delete the container to free disk space
docker image ls: list all downloaded images
docker rmi IMAGE_NAME:TAG: remove image from your computer to free disk space
Server runs at http://localhost:7500/graphql
yarn server
yarn update-schema
yarn seed
yarn relay
Useful for exercises that user should be logged in
yarn get-token
Web and workshops consumes a local .env, you just need to copy the .env.example to .env inside each package
cp .env.example .env
yarn web
yarn start
- go inside the workshop//
- run yarn start
Example for 01-fetchGraphQL
cd ./workshop/01-fetchGraphQL
yarn start
If you are interested in this workshop as a remote workshop (live), send an email to I can run this workshop in English/Portuguese (I'm still learning Spanish)
You can donate to me on Patreon (, or Bitcoin