
Defines the uniform HTTP API for the auction and ensures interoperability between groups.


Defines the uniform HTTP API for the auction and ensures interoperability between groups.

Service: tapas-auction-house

Incoming Requests:

  1. ReceiveBid
    • auctionId
      • Identifies the specific auction currently bid on
    • bidderName
      • Represents the external entity's name in the format: "tapas-group-1"
    • AuctionHouseUri
      • Used to interact with the auction house of the bidder
    • TaskListUri

Outgoing Requests:

  1. PlaceBid

    • Same as body of ReceiveBid
  2. AuctionStarted -> published via MQTT/WebSub

    • publishing AuctionStartedEvent
    • Event consists of full Auction (see AuctionJsonRepresentation)
      • Add new Parameters:
        • AuctionFeedId
        • InputData (optional)
  3. DelegateTask -> sent to bidderTaskListUri

    • Through AuctionWonEvent receive TaskList of winner (Is in the Bid).
    • Delegation of Task is normal Task Creation:
      • Follows the TaskJsonRepresentation
    • Field OriginalTaskUri has to be correctly filled out
      • This field is used by the external system to send patch updates on your task

Service: tapas-tasks

Incoming Requests:

  1. ReceiveDelegatedTask -> received at bidderTaskListUri
    • Nothing should change since patch capabilites have been implemented by Ronny
    • RESULT: is sent via PATCH directly to taskUri with OutputData