
OpenWrt build environment in docker | Docker 中的 OpenWrt 编译环境

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OpenWrt build environment in docker.

Read the details in my blog (in Chinese) | 中文教程


Pull or build image

  • Pull image from docker hub.

    docker pull p3terx/openwrt-build-env
  • Build image.

    docker build -t p3terx/openwrt-build-env github.com/P3TERX/openwrt-build-env

Run container

docker run \
    -itd \
    --name openwrt-build-env \
    -h P3TERX \
    -p 10022:22 \
    -v ~/openwrt:/home/user/openwrt \

Set the mount directory file permissions

  • Enter the id command to check UID and GID

    $ id
    uid=1001(p3terx) gid=1002(p3terx)
  • Modify the UID and GID

    docker exec openwrt-build-env sudo usermod -u 1001 user
    docker exec openwrt-build-env sudo groupmod -g 1002 user
  • Modify the file ownership

    docker exec openwrt-build-env sudo chown -hR user:user .
  • Restart container

    docker restart openwrt-build-env

SSH security settings

The default SSH user name and password is user. If you are making the container accessible from the internet you'll probably want to secure it bit. You can do one of the following two things after launching the container:

  • Change password:

    docker exec -it openwrt-build-env sudo passwd user
  • Don't allow passwords at all, use keys instead:

    docker cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys openwrt-build-env:/home/user/.ssh
    docker exec openwrt-build-env sudo chown user:user /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
    docker exec openwrt-build-env sudo sed -i '/PasswordAuthentication /c\PasswordAuthentication no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    docker restart openwrt-build-env

Enter container

  • Enter from the host.

    docker exec -it openwrt-build-env zsh
  • Connect via SSH.

    ssh user@IP -p 10022

Clone source code and build

git clone https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt
cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
make menuconfig
make download -j8
make V=s