
/usr/bin/fortune implementation in Python 3

ISC LicenseISC


A very simple implementation of fortune in Python with
pseudo-random cookie generation. (Uses the default random.SystemGenerator
to collect entropy from hardware interrupts.)

To install, copy/rename the fortune.py script to /usr/local/bin/fortune,
and add the following to your $HOME/.profile file:

    [ -x "/usr/local/bin/fortune" ] && /usr/local/bin/fortune 2>&1

To customize the fortune files data directory, set the FORTUNE_DATADIR
environment variable like so:

    export FORTUNE_DATADIR=/usr/local/share/mydatadir

By default, the script will try to use $HOME/etc/fortune.d as the data directory
for data files.

Etienne Robillard <smart@open-neurosecurity.org>