
Portfolio generator for developers. Next.js, Clerk auth, MongoDB-Mongoose, Chakra UI. Responsive on all devices

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Portfolio generator for developers. Fully responsive. Enter information: get a good-looking portfolio instantly to share with your friends and potential recruiters.

Built with


  • Authentication with Clerk
  • Includes Work Experiences, Personal projects, an About section, and the option to add various social links such as Github, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Every Experience has a description property for addressing what the user did during his/her stint at the organization.
  • Every Project has a Github link property and a Website link property for the deployed webapp/website.
  • Special TechStack column to list your stack.
  • Profile creation for individual users & the ability to add or update the user profile picture
  • Ability to add or update the user's profile picture

Add .env file

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the environment variables as shown in the .env.example file.