
Find solution to 8 puzzle using (DFS,BFS,A* with Manhattan Vs Euclidean heurstics)


Assumptions and Details

● Once the given initial state is solved, the user can click on the ‘Next’ button to see the next state in the solution and the ‘Previous’ button to see the previous state. Once the user reaches the goal state, the buttons are disabled.__ ● Assuming the starting algorithm will be DFS if the user didn’t change it


Manhattan Vs Euclidean

After reviewing the table shown above and comparing the Manhattan heuristic and the Euclidean heuristic, it appears that the Manhattan heuristic expands less nodes and has a shorter running time in general. This aligns with the hypothesis that Manhattan heuristic would be better as the heuristic is a better model of how moves are made in the 8-puzzle. In conclusion, Manhattan Distance is a more admissible heuristic than Euclidean Distance.

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for more details report is attached above.