
⚡ RESTful Bitcoin payment channel server

Primary LanguageHaskell

RESTful Bitcoin payment channel server

Build Status

Server implementation of the RESTful Bitcoin Payment Channel Protocol

What is this?

This server allows the operator to, after an initial setup step involving a sender/client, receive multiple, instant Bitcoin payments (no waiting for confirmations) from this pre-defined sender; paying the Bitcoin transaction fee only once, when the channel is closed.

So, a client contacts the server for funding information, pays to a funding address, waits the number of confirmations that the sever has specified, and then contacts the server to open the payment channel. Payments sent over the channel do not touch the Blockchain, so 1-Satoshi payments are fine, and as many can be sent without additional cost, until all the value has been used up. The channel can also be closed before that, in which case the client's unspent value is returned to its change address.

A payment channel also has a pre-defined expiration date. After this date, the client can reclaim all value sent over the channel, if it hasn't been closed yet. For the client, this means that opening a payment channel is trustless because, in case the server/receiver disappears, the client can just wait for the expiration date and reclaim funds. For the receiver, it means that the payment channel server must always be running if it has open payment channels. Not the least in order to be able to receive payments over these open channels in the first place, but also to be able to close channels before they reach expiration.

Use cases

One could imagine, for example, setting up a service which sends video in response to payments, the first minute being free (if you have an open payment channel), and then charging, say 0.1 cent per second thereafter. Trustless pay-per-view. This server would only be used to verify payments, so an additional protocol, for sending video packets in response to payments, would have to be created.


Under development. Mature enough to play with, but definitely not ready for production yet. Everything should work, but both the server data structures and interfaces can still change at any time.


If you find a bug please create an issue here. If you need help, like if I haven't made it clear how to do something or just general support, creating an issue is fine too.

Technical details

The Bitcoin payment channel type used is the OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY payment channel, as explained in the section Non-interactive time-locked refunds of the OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP65). The only limitation is that, for version 1 of RESTful Bitcoin Payment Channel Protocol, the channel expiration date cannot be specified as a block number, but only as a Unix timestamp.

Architecture overview

Build instructions

The following works with a fresh ubuntu:16.04 docker image

apt-get update && apt-get install -y libssl-dev autoconf autogen libtool xz-utils git-core haskell-stack
git clone https://github.com/runeksvendsen/restful-payment-channel-server.git
cd restful-payment-channel-server/
stack setup && stack build

For distributions without the haskell-stack package available, stack (the build tool) can be installed easily with a single command: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/#how-to-install.


The payment channel server consists of three executables:

  • PayChanServer (client facing; implements payment channel protocol) server.cfg
  • ChanStore (database; stores open payment channel states) store.cfg
  • SigningService (private key custodian; signs Bitcoin settlement transactions) signing.cfg

Each executable takes a single required argument: the path to its config file.

Example config files can be found in config/, which has config files for Bitcoin livenet, testnet, and a debug configuration which does not reach out to the Bitcoin network. See config/live/, config/test/ and config/debug/, respectively.

For PayChanServer, you can set the desired listening port via the PORT environment variable. Eg.:

PORT=43617 PayChanServer config/live/config/server.cfg

The runEverything.sh script runs all three components, taking as argument the root path of the config you want to use, eg. config/debug/:

./runEverything.sh config/debug/


Setting the debug.enable config option to true disables any Blockchain querying. This includes both checking the funding address for funding, and publishing a settlement transaction to the Bitcoin network when the channel is closed. The funding information, that would otherwise have been queried from the Blockchain, is instead derived deterministically from the sender public key and expiration time: the funding transaction hash is set to the SHA256 hash of the client pubkey, the vout/output index is set to expiration_timestamp % 7, and the value is set to the constant 12345678900000.

So, first, set the debug.enable option to true for the target server. Then the benchPayChanServer.sh script (located in test/) can be used, which executes a payment session (open, pay, close), performing the specified number of payments in the specified number of threads, using the debug-derived funding information. Usage:

# First start server, in separate terminal (note pubkey):
./runEverything.sh config/debug/
# Then execute test threads (1000 payments, 10 threads), passing the server pubkey as the last argument:
./benchPayChanServer.sh 1000 10 localhost:8000 0225b3aaf58992a8cc909522c2ec859ef218fd29fda0a6723cfb4e0529f80cc8f3


See http://paychandoc.runeks.me/.


On my 2015 Macbook Pro I get ~900 payments per second running the benchPayChanServer.sh script:

$ time ./benchPayChanServer.sh 2000 5 localhost:8000 0225b3aaf58992a8cc909522c2ec859ef218fd29fda0a6723cfb4e0529f80cc8f3
Waiting for clients to terminate...
Done. Executed 10000 payments.

real	0m10.962s
user	0m6.211s
sys     0m0.881s

Running on a multi-core server, I get the following performance characteristics as a function of core count:

Live test servers

Bitcoin live net


Bitcoin testnet3



  • ChanStore: Properly handle out-of-memory errors