
This is implementation of 'Basic Programming' final project course in university.

Primary LanguageC

Linked List Problem Manager

Program Description

This C program manages a set of problems and their related data using a linked list. It also provides user interaction functionalities, including displaying a warning, a menu, and input prompts.

Code Structure

The program consists of the following elements:

  1. Struct Definition:
    • A struct named "node" is defined to store information about each problem. It includes fields for the problem description, two answers, and corresponding values for people, court, and treasury.
  2. Functions:
    • openning(): Displays a warning message.
    • enter_name(): Accepts and stores a user's name (not used in the provided code).
    • menu(): Displays a menu and accepts user input to start a new game, load a game, view the scoreboard, or quit.
    • clear(): Clears the console screen.
    • get_problems(): Reads problem data from a file, stores it in a linked list, and returns a pointer to the list.

How to Use

To use this program, follow these steps:

  1. Compile the code using a C compiler.
  2. Ensure that a file named "CHOICES.txt" is present in the program's directory, containing the problem data in the specified format.
  3. Run the compiled program.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to interact with the program, such as starting a new game, loading a game, viewing the scoreboard, or quitting.

Additional Notes

  • The program expects problem data to be stored in a file named "CHOICES.txt" in a specific format.
  • The provided code does not include the implementation for starting a new game, loading a game, or viewing the scoreboard. These functionalities would need to be added to the program.

This README provides an overview of the provided C program and how to use it. For detailed information about each function and the program's behavior, refer to the code implementation.