CEEMDAN_LSTM is a Python project for decomposition-integration forecasting models based on EMD methods and LSTM.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT



CEEMDAN_LSTM is a Python project for decomposition-integration forecasting models based on EMD methods and LSTM. It is a relatively imperfect module but beginners can quickly use it to make a decomposition-integration prediction by CEEMDAN, Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (Torres et al. 2011), and LSTM, Long Short-Term Memory recurrent neural network (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). If you use or refer to the content of this project, please cite paper: (F. Zhou, Z. Huang, C. Zhang, Carbon price forecasting based on CEEMDAN and LSTM, Applied Energy, 2022, Volume 311, 118601, ISSN 0306-2619.)



First, download CEEMDAN_LSTM.py to your computer, and create a new file that can run python. If you can use Jupyter, you can directly download CEEMDAN LSTM of CarbonPrice.ipynb at the same time and follow the steps inside to complete the prediction.

import CEEMDAN_LSTM as cl

If an error occurs, please check the modules that need to be installed. Note if the error is that pyemd does not exist, please install EMD-signal rather than pyemd module.

pip install datetime
pip install EMD-signal # pyemd
pip install vmdpy
pip install sampen
pip install tensorflow==2.5.0


Help or Example

You can use the code to call for a guideline or help. It is not recommended to use cl.run_exmaple() because the integration way by sample entropy is not the same every time.


Declare the path

Determine folders to store datasets and output results. The folder will be created automatically when the code is run for the first time. Please download cl_sample_dataset.csv and put it into the declared folder. If it runs successfully, the program will display a picture of the series.
The default dataset saving path: D:\CEEMDAN_LSTM\
The default figures saving path: D:\CEEMDAN_LSTM\figures\
The default logs and output saving path: D:\CEEMDAN_LSTM\subset\
The default dataset name: cl_sample_dataset (must be csv file)

series = cl.declare_path()

If you want to use anthor folders, you can use cl.declare_path(path="",figure_path="",log_path="",dataset_name="") (must be csv file).
If you want to use your own data, you can use cl.declare_path(series=pd.Series) (must be pd.Series).

Start to predict

0. Statistical tests (not necessary)

The code will ouput the reuslt of ADF test, Ljung-Box Test, Jarque-Bera Test, and plot ACF and PACF figures.


1. Declare mode and variables

Importantly!, you need to declare decomposition mode and global variables.It is recommended to declare variables first every time you predict or decompose and other operations.
Default value: mode='ceemdan', Mainly determine the decomposition method
form='', Integration form only effective after integration
data_back=30, The number of previous days related to today
periods=100, The length of the days to forecast
epochs=100, LSTM epochs
patience=10, Patience of adaptive learning rate and early stop, suggesting epochs/10


2. Decomposition and Integration

Choose a method to decompose the original data from mode='emd', mode='eemd', or mode='ceemdan' by cl.declare_vars(mode='').

imfs = cl.emd_decom()

Calculate sample entropy


Integrate subsequences, where form represents the integration way.

form = [[0,1],[2,3,4],[5,6,7]]

3. Forecast

Before forecasting, it is recommended to redeclare the variables. Variable form you can get from integration. There are many methods to choose, including single, ensemble, respective, hybrid, and mutiple.

cl.declare_vars(mode='ceemdan',form='233',epochs=100) # 

You can try other methods


4. Re-decomposition

After the first decomposition above, some sub-sequences are still difficult to predict, so they can be decomposed again.

df_redecom = cl.re_decom(redecom_mode='vmd',redecom_list=[0]) 
df_input['sum'] = series.values

For hybrid models, you can directly add parameters redecom='vmd'.


An example of BeijingETS.csv

Hybrid method

df_bjETS = pd.read_csv(PATH+'data\\BeijingETS.csv',header=0,parse_dates=["date"],
                       date_parser=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, "%Y%m%d"))
series_bj = pd.Series(df_bjETS['close'].values,index = df_bjETS['date']).sort_index().astype(float)
ceemdan_bj = cl.emd_decom(series=series_bj)
inte_bj = cl.integrate(df=ceemdan_bj,inte_form=[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7,8]]) # form may not be the same every time

Time-saving method

df_bjETS = pd.read_csv(PATH+'data\\BeijingETS.csv',header=0,parse_dates=["date"],
                       date_parser=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, "%Y%m%d"))
series_bj = pd.Series(df_bjETS['close'].values,index = df_bjETS['date']).sort_index().astype(float)
ceemdan_bj = cl.emd_decom(series=series_bj)
df_vmd_bj = cl.re_decom(df=ceemdan_bj,redecom_mode='vmd',redecom_list=0) 

Predict the next day

Set next_pred for cl.Hybrid_LSTM(next_pred=True).


or you can try time saving method by cl.run_predict()



If you have any questions, please leave your comment or email me.