
Basic Python wrapper to the HT16K33 I2C.

Primary LanguagePython

HT16K33 Python Library

A simple python library to control products using the HT16K33 IC.


The only dependency is Python's SMBus module; which, ships with Linux's i2c-tools development tools. The module SMBus opens a simple protocol to transport data between Linux OS and any i2c integrated circuit.

If HT16K33 library is unable to load the SMBus module, then this library will generate an internal dummy object. Said dummy object will emulate I/O protocol, and dump actions/commands to STDOUT.


SMBus is isolated in a separate package on Debian/Ubuntu. Be sure python-smbus is installed

$ sudo apt-get install i2c-tools python-smbus


Arch's PKGBUILD will include SMBus with the parent i2c-tools

$ pacman -S i2c-tools


Download source & extract

$ curl -O http://dl.lm-sensors.org/i2c-tools/releases/i2c-tools-3.1.0.tar.bz2
$ tar jxvf i2c-tools-3.1.0.tar.bz2 && cd i2c-tools-3.1.0

Compile core update paths and C-flags as needed

$ make 
$ make install

Compile eepromer if needed

$ make -C eepromer
$ install -Dm755 eepromer/eeprog eepromer/eeprom eepromer/eepromer /usr/sbin

Build and install python2's SMBus

$ cd py-smbus
$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install

Enable I2C Module

Add the following lines to /etc/modules:




Connect i2c device, and identify address.

$ i2cdetect -y 0
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f                             
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                             
70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- --  

Device Object

Parent object inherited by all HT16K33 LED backpacks. Not intended for direct use.


class Device(__builtin__.object)
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, **kwargs)
 |  clear(self)
 |      Loop through all data addresses, and clear any LEDS
 |  setBrightness(self, brightness=15)
 |      Set brightness level
 |      - brightness (0..15)
 |      --  0 =  1/16 duty
 |      --  1 =  2/16 duty
 |      --  2 =  3/16 duty
 |      --  3 =  4/16 duty
 |      --  4 =  5/16 duty
 |      --  5 =  6/16 duty
 |      --  6 =  7/16 duty
 |      --  7 =  8/16 duty
 |      --  8 =  9/16 duty
 |      --  9 = 10/16 duty
 |      -- 10 = 11/16 duty
 |      -- 11 = 12/16 duty
 |      -- 12 = 13/16 duty
 |      -- 13 = 14/16 duty
 |      -- 14 = 15/16 duty
 |      -- 15 = 16/16 duty
 |  setDisplay(self, on=True, blink_rate=0)
 |      Set display options
 |      - on (Boolean)
 |      - blink_rate (0..3)
 |      -- 0 = Blink off
 |      -- 1 = 2HZ
 |      -- 2 = 1HZ
 |      -- 3 = 0.5HZ
 |  setUp(self,**kwargs)
 |      Clear & set default state of HT16K33 internal systems
 |      KeyWords:
 |      - display_on (Boolean, default True)
 |      - blink_rate (0x00..0x03, default 0x00)
 |      - brightness (0x00..0x0F, default 0x07)
 |  turnOffOscillator(self)
 |      Disable HT16K33 internal system oscillator
 |  turnOnOscillator(self)
 |      Enable HT16K33 internal system oscillator



    #!/bin/env python
    # Draw a cross from corner to corner.
    from HT16K33 import EightByEight
    import time
    for i in range(0,8):
    #!/bin/env python
    # Cycle through all levels of brightness
    from HT16K33 import EightByEight
    import time
    # Enable device
    # Turn on all LEDS
    for row in range(8):
    # Adjust duty 
    for duty in range(16):


class EightByEight(_HT16K33.Base)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      EightByEight
 |      _HT16K33.Base
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  alterSingleLED(self, x, y, action=None)
 |      Manipulate single lead at point (x,y)
 |      - x = Column (0..7)
 |      - y = Row (0..7)
 |      - action = ("or","xor","andnot")
 |  getRowAddressByIndex(self, row)
 |      Retrieve address of row by index. 
 |      - row (0..7)
 |  setRow(self, row=0, columns=[])
 |      Set LED status
 |      - row (0..7)
 |      - columns (mixed)
 |      -- 8 item list of booleans
 |      -- Unsigned integer
 |      --- 0..255
 |      --- 0x00..0xFF
 |      --- 0b00000000...0b11111111
 |  toggleLED(self, x, y)
 |      Toggle off/on single LED at x,y
 |      - x = Column (0..7)
 |      - y = Row (0..7)
 |  turnOffLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn off single LED at x,y
 |      - x = Column (0..7)
 |      - y = Row (0..7)
 |  turnOnLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn on single LED at x,y
 |      - x = Column (0..7)
 |      - y = Row (0..7)

BiColor Square


    #!/bin/env python
    # Cycle through red & green colors, and render 
    # yellow line across last row
    from HT16K33 import BiColor
    # Enable device
    # Alternate between green & red columns
    for column in range(8):
    # Draw yellow across last row
    for x in range(7,-1,-1):
      if bool(incr%2):


class BiColor(_HT16K33.Base)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      BiColor
 |      _HT16K33.Base
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  alterSingleLED(self, x, y, action, isRed=False)
 |      Manipulate single lead at point (x,y)
 |      - x = Column (0..7)
 |      - y = Row (0..7)
 |      - action = ("or","xor","andnot")
 |      - isRed = (Boolean, default=False)
 |  getColumnAddressByIndex(self, column, isRed=False)
 |      Retrieve column address based on index & color
 |      - column (0..7)
 |      - isRed (Boolean, default=False)
 |  getRowValue(self, position=0)
 |      Retrieve value of row position
 |      - position (0..7)
 |  setColumn(self, column=0, value=0, isRed=False)
 |      Assign all LEDs in a given column
 |      - column (0..7)
 |      - value (0x00..0xFF)
 |      - isRed (Boolean, default=False)
 |  toggleGreenLED(self, x, y)
 |      Toggle single green LED at x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)
 |  toggleRedLED(self, x, y)
 |      Toogle single red LED at x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)
 |  turnOffGreenLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn off single green LED at x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)
 |  turnOffLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn off both green & red LEDs at point x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)
 |  turnOffRedLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn off single red LED at x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)
 |  turnOnGreenLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn on single green LED at x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)
 |  turnOnRedLED(self, x, y)
 |      Turn on single red LED at x,y
 |      - x (0..7)
 |      - y (0..7)



    #!/bin/env python
    # Create letters "a", "b", "c", & "d" across all for digits displays
    from HT16K33 import FourDigit
    # Enable device
    digit = FourDigit().setUp()
    # Create characters
    a = digit.TOP_BAR | digit.MIDDLE_BAR | \
        digit.BOTTOM_BAR | digit.RIGHT_TOP_BAR | \
        digit.RIGHT_BOTTOM_BAR | digit.LEFT_BOTTOM_BAR
    b = digit.MIDDLE_BAR | digit.BOTTOM_BAR | \
        digit.LEFT_TOP_BAR | digit.LEFT_BOTTOM_BAR | \
    c = digit.MIDDLE_BAR | digit.BOTTOM_BAR | digit.LEFT_BOTTOM_BAR
    d = digit.MIDDLE_BAR | digit.BOTTOM_BAR | \
        digit.RIGHT_TOP_BAR | digit.RIGHT_BOTTOM_BAR | \
    # Assign custom built characters to device


class FourDigit(_HT16K33.Base)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      FourDigit
 |      _HT16K33.Base
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  alterSingleLED(self, position=0, new_byte=0, action=None)
 |      Manipulate single LED in character position
 |      - position (0..3)
 |      - new_byte (0..0xFF)
 |      - action   ("or","xor","andnot")
 |  chrToInt(self, character)
 |      Convert character to LED display integer
 |      Each available character will have the LED display
 |      integer assigned to the CHARACTER_MAP key matching
 |      character's order. Any character not present in 
 |      CHARACTER_MAP will return 0x00 (clear LED integer.)
 |      - character (see CHARACTER_MAP)
 |  getDigitAddressAtPosition(self, position=0)
 |      Retrive address by position
 |      - position (0..3)
 |  readAtPosition(self, position=0)
 |      Return LED value currently in devices EEPROM
 |      - position (0..3)
 |  setDigit(self, position=0, value=0)
 |      Assign LED display to digit
 |      - position
 |      - value
 |  turnOffColon(self)
 |      Disable colon symbol
 |  turnOffPeriodAtPosition(self, position=0)
 |      Disable period symbol at given position
 |  turnOnColon(self)
 |      Enable colon symbol
 |  turnOnPeriodAtPosition(self, position=0)
 |      Enable period symbol at given position
 |  writeDigit(self, position, char=None)
 |      Write single character to a given postion