
This repository supports MIPI cameras through the IPU6 on Intel Tigerlake platforms. There are 4 repositories that provide the complete setup:

Content of this repository:

  • IPU6 HAL

Build instructions:

  • Dependencies: ipu6-camera-bins
  • Dependencies: libexpat-dev automake libtool libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
  • Building:
cd ipu6-camera-hal
mkdir -p ./build/out/install/usr && cd ./build/

# if don't want install to /usr, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./out/install/usr, export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$workdir/build/out/install/usr/lib/pkgconfig"

make -j8
sudo make install

Tagged for removal:

The folder icamerasrc contains a gst plugin. This has been moved to https://github.com/intel/icamerasrc and will eventually be removed.