
NixOS modules to aid in configuring NixOS for raspberry pi products

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT


The primary goal of this flake is to make it easy to create working NixOS configurations for Raspberry Pi products. Specifically, this repository aims to deliver the following benefits:

  1. Configure the kernel, device tree, and boot loader in a way that is compatible with the hardware and proprietary firmware.
  2. Provide a nix interface to Raspberry Pi/device tree configuration that will be familiar to those who have used Raspberry Pi's config.txt based configuration.
  3. Make it easy to build an image suitable for flashing to an sd-card, without the need to first go through an installation media.

The important modules are overlay/default.nix, rpi/default.nix, and rpi/config.nix. The other modules are mostly wrappers that set config.txt settings and enable required kernel modules.


See the example repo for a complete example.

  description = "raspberry-pi-nix example";
  nixConfig = {
    extra-substituters = [ "https://raspberry-pi-nix.cachix.org" ];
    extra-trusted-public-keys = [
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.11";
    raspberry-pi-nix.url = "github:tstat/raspberry-pi-nix";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, raspberry-pi-nix }:
      inherit (nixpkgs.lib) nixosSystem;
      basic-config = { pkgs, lib, ... }: {
        time.timeZone = "America/New_York";
        users.users.root.initialPassword = "root";
        networking = {
          hostName = "basic-example";
          useDHCP = false;
          interfaces = { wlan0.useDHCP = true; };
        environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ bluez bluez-tools ];
        hardware = {
          bluetooth.enable = true;
          raspberry-pi = {
            config = {
              all = {
                base-dt-params = {
                  # enable autoprobing of bluetooth driver
                  # https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/blob/c8c99191e1419062ac8b668956d19e788865912a/arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/README#L222-L224
                  krnbt = {
                    enable = true;
                    value = "on";

    in {
      nixosConfigurations = {
        rpi-example = nixosSystem {
          system = "aarch64-linux";
          modules = [ raspberry-pi-nix.nixosModules.raspberry-pi basic-config ];

Using the provided cache to avoid compiling linux

This repo uses the raspberry pi linux kernel fork, and compiling linux takes a while. I do push my kernel builds to a cachix cache that you may use to avoid compiling linux yourself. The cache can be found at https://raspberry-pi-nix.cachix.org, and you can follow the instructions there to use this cache.

You don't need the cachix binary to use the cachix cache though, you just need to add the relevant substituters and trusted-public-keys settings settings to your nix.conf. You can do this directly by modifying your /etc/nix/nix.conf, or in the flake definition. In the above example flake these nix.conf settings are added by the nixConfig attribute (doc link). Note that this will only work if the user running nix build is in trusted-users or the substituter is in trusted-substituters.

Building an sd-card image

An image suitable for flashing to an sd-card can be found at the attribute config.system.build.sdImage. For example, if you wanted to build an image for rpi-example in the above configuration example you could run:

nix build '.#nixosConfigurations.rpi-example.config.system.build.sdImage'

The firmware partition

The image produced by this package is partitioned in the same way as the aarch64 installation media from nixpkgs: There is a firmware partition that contains necessary firmware, u-boot, and config.txt. Then there is another partition (labeled NIXOS_SD) that contains everything else. The firmware and config.txt file are managed by NixOS modules defined in this package. Additionally, a systemd service will update the firmware and config.txt in the firmware partition in place. Linux kernels are stored in the NIXOS_SD partition and will be booted by u-boot in the firmware partition.

config.txt generation

As noted, the config.txt file is generated by the NixOS configuration and automatically updated on when the nix configuration is modified.

The relevant nixos option is hardware.raspberry-pi.config. Configuration is partitioned into three sections:

  1. Base device tree parameters base-dt-params
  2. Device tree overlays dt-overlays
  3. Firmware options options

Other than that, the format follows pretty closely to the config.txt format. For example:

hardware.raspberry-pi.config = {
  cm4 = {
    options = {
      otg_mode = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
  pi4 = {
    options = {
      arm_boost = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
    dt-overlays = {
      vc4-kms-v3d = {
        enable = true;
        params = { cma-512 = { enable = true; }; };
  all = {
    options = {
      # The firmware will start our u-boot binary rather than a
      # linux kernel.
      kernel = {
        enable = true;
        value = "u-boot-rpi-arm64.bin";
      arm_64bit = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
      enable_uart = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
      avoid_warnings = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
      camera_auto_detect = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
      display_auto_detect = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
      disable_overscan = {
        enable = true;
        value = true;
    dt-overlays = {
      vc4-kms-v3d = {
        enable = true;
        params = { };
    base-dt-params = {
      krnbt = {
        enable = true;
        value = "on";
      spi = {
        enable = true;
        value = "on";

generates the following config.txt:

# This is a generated file. Do not edit!




If you want to preview the generated config.txt, you can find it at the path config.hardware.raspberry-pi.config-output. For example, if you had the above configuration then you could build the config.txt file with:

nix build '.#nixosConfigurations.rpi-example.config.hardware.raspberry-pi.config-output'

Firmware partition implementation notes

In Raspberry Pi devices the proprietary firmware manipulates the device tree in a number of ways before handing it off to the kernel (or in our case, to u-boot). The transformations that are performed aren't documented so well (although I have found this list ).

This manipulation makes it difficult to use the device tree configured directly by NixOS as the proprietary firmware's manipulation must be known and reproduced.

Even if the manipulation were successfully reproduced, some benefits would be lost. For example, the firmware can detect connected hardware during boot and automatically configure the device tree accordingly before passing it onto the kernel. If this firmware device tree is ignored then a NixOS system rebuild with a different device tree would be required when swapping connected hardware. Examples of what I mean by hardware include: the specific Raspberry Pi device booting the image, connected cameras, and connected displays.

So, in order to avoid the headaches associated with failing to reproduce some firmware device tree manipulation, and to reap the benefits afforded by the firmware device tree configuration, u-boot is configured to use the device tree that it is given (i.e. the one that the raspberry pi firmware loads and manipulates). As a consequence, device tree configuration is controlled via the config.txt file.

Additionally, the firmware, device trees, and overlays from the raspberrypifw package populate the firmware partition. This package is kept up to date by the overlay applied by this package, so you don't need configure this. However, if you want to use different firmware you can override that package to do so.