
Plugin to interface between CloudyPanel and Engine

Primary LanguageC++



Module to interface between CloudyPanel and Engine, for joining and quitting game.


In your game folder, create a folder named 'Plugins' if it doesn't exist. Put CloudyPanelPlugin in your Plugins folder. Build and run your game. The plugin should show up in Menu > Edit > Plugins.


This plugin currently supports join game and quit game. To test, send the following codes via TCP to :

00000001 - join game with controller id 1

00000002 - join game with controller id 2

00010001 - quit game with controller id 1

00010002 - quit game with controller id 2

and so on.

OtherFiles/sendTCP.py has been included to assist testing.



Module for streaming


Put ffmpeg executable into your Unreal Engine\Engine\Binaries\Win64 folder.

Modify Unreal Engine. Go to UGameViewportClient.cpp and edit the function UGameViewportClient::LayoutPlayers(). Change SplitType to 4 player. Edit the code as follows:

Comment out this line: const ESplitScreenType::Type SplitType = GetCurrentSplitscreenConfiguration();

Add this line: const ESplitScreenType::Type SplitType = ESplitScreenType::FourPlayer;


Open streams (in vlc/ThinClient etc media players) using the following addresses:

Player 0: http://<your public IP>:30000

Player 1: http://<your public IP>:30001

Player 2: http://<your public IP>:30002

Player 3: http://<your public IP>:30003



Module to provide customized save game and load game API. This API will allow the game developer to use our custom save/load game functions to upload the player's save game file to our cloud.


  • Assume that the CloudyPanelPlugin has been successfully installed. If not, please read the setup instructions at the top of this readme.

  • In YourProject/Source/YourProject/YourProject.Build.cs:

    • Ensure that CloudySaveManager is added to your PrivateDependencyModuleNames.
    • E.g. PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CloudySaveManager" });
  • In your .cpp file where you want to use our custom Cloudy_SaveGameToSlot functions:

    • Ensure that #include "ICloudySaveManager.h" is included.


Cloudy_SaveGameToSlot takes in the same three functions as Unreal Engine's SaveGameToSlot, with an additional parameter: the player controller index.


UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Game")
virtual bool Cloudy_SaveGameToSlot
    USaveGame * SaveGameObject,
    const FString & SlotName,
    const int32 UserIndex,
    const int32 PCID, // Player Controller ID of the player you are saving


#include "ICloudySaveManager.h"

// Create a save game object
UMySaveGame* SaveGameInstance = Cast<UMySaveGame>(UGameplayStatics::CreateSaveGameObject(UMySaveGame::StaticClass()));
// Save the game
ICloudySaveManager::Get().Cloudy_SaveGameToSlot(SaveGameInstance, "SaveGame1", SaveGameInstance->UserIndex, 0);



Module to provide network API for communication to the CloudyWeb server.


  • It is assumed that you have the CloudyPanelPlugin successfully installed. If not, please read the setup instructions at the top of this readme.

  • In the .cpp file where you want to use any public functions in this module:

    • Ensure that #include "../../CloudyWebAPI/Public/ICloudyWebAPI.h" is included.
  • Add the following system environment variables

    • Variable: ROBOT_USER. Value: username; password. Replace the username and password with the actual values.
    • Variable: CLOUDYWEB_URL. Value: http://url:port. Replace the URL and port with the actual values.


Assuming that we want to use the UploadFile function from this module, we can call the function this way:

ICloudyWebAPI::Get().UploadFile(Filename, PlayerControllerId);

Adding more API

  • CloudyWebAPI.cpp contains all the function logic. Do your work here.
  • CloudyWebAPI.h contains all the function declaration. Declare all your functions here.
  • ICloudyWebAPI.h contains public function declarations. Only declare functions here if you want to use the functions outside the CloudyWebAPI module.