
Track Emacs commands frequency

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Keyfreq fork


This is a fork of keyfreq available here. I just added the keyfreq-html-v2 function that prettifies the HTML page and more interestingly adds a representation of the frequencies on a keyboard map.

You can remove a specific key on the map to automatically change the colorscale by using the text input at the top of the page with for instance ['C', 'a'] to remove Ctrl and a key from the heat map count.


You need Javascript to be enabled in your web browser.


  1. I am not a web developer so sorry for the non-responsive web design. This was just an "empty-morning project".
  2. Please note that keyfreq returns all the shortcuts associated to the commands you use. It means that the generated keyboard map does not represent the keys you actually typed but a rough approximation.
  3. Some shortcuts are not registered by keyfreq and therefore misinterpreted. (in dired, the refresh-buffer command is <menu-bar> <file> <revert-buffer> whereas my actual shortcut is g)
  4. For now only the keyboard layout I use is hardcoded. It is however possible to improve this by using JSON keyboard file format from keyboard-layout-editor.com for instance.



Download this repository to a folder and add this folder to your load-path.

Then, include the following lines in your .emacs file:

    (require 'keyfreq)
    (keyfreq-mode 1)
    (keyfreq-autosave-mode 1)

An additional setting is required with this fork: you need to specify the location of the keyfreq folder with:

	(setq keyfreq-folder "<keyfreq-installation-folder>")

With use-package and quelpa

Here is the installation to use with use-package and quelpa-use-package:

(use-package keyfreq
  :quelpa ((keyfreq :fetcher github :repo "KirmTwinty/keyfreq") :upgrade t :ensure t)
  (setq keyfreq-folder "~/.emacs.d/quelpa/build/keyfreq/")
  (keyfreq-mode 1)
  (keyfreq-autosave-mode 1)
  (setq keyfreq-excluded-commands
  ;; To exclude commands:
  ;; (setq keyfreq-excluded-commands
  ;;     '(self-insert-command
  ;;       forward-char
  ;;       backward-char
  ;;       previous-line
  ;;       next-line))

How to use

Use keyfreq-show to see how many times you used a command. Use keyfreq-html to get the original rendered HTML page. Use keyfreq-html-v2 to get the keyboard heat map.

How to exclude commands

    (setq keyfreq-excluded-commands