
PowerBI's included certified M connector extensions - sourced from the directory: User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\CertifiedExtensions

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PowerBI Included Certified Extentions

PowerBI's included certified M connector extensions - sourced from the default windows installation directory: \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\CertifiedExtensions

Includes the full M or PQ sdk file for the following connector resources:

  • Asana
  • AtScale
  • AzureCostManagement
  • BI360
  • BIConnector
  • Cognite
  • CustomerInsights
  • Denodo
  • Dremio
  • Emigo
  • EntersoftBusinessSuite
  • Exasol
  • FactSetAnalytics
  • Fhir
  • Indexima
  • IndustrialAppStore
  • InformationGrid
  • IntuneDataWarehouse
  • IRIS
  • JamfPro
  • JethroData1.0.1
  • Kyligence
  • MarkLogicODBC
  • MicrosoftGraphSecurity
  • MicrostrategyDataset
  • Paxata
  • PlanviewProjectplace
  • PowerPlatformDataflows
  • ProductInsights
  • QubolePresto
  • QuickBase
  • Roamler
  • ShortcutsBI
  • SiteImprove
  • SurveyMonkey
  • TeamDesk.PowerBI.DataConnector
  • Tenforce
  • TimeSeriesInsights
  • Vena
  • VesselInsight
  • WebtrendsAnalytics
  • WorkforceDimensions
  • WorkplaceAnalytics
  • ZohoCreator
  • Zucchetti


No licensing has been included with third party connectors from PowerBI (see Windows License Terms of Service).

No infringement is intended with the publication of these connectors. As such, the releasing party is happy to comply with any DMCA / takedown request submitted by the owning party for any of these connectors. Conversely, I am happy to include any usage agreement or licensing with the code itself as supplied by an authorized representative of the owning party.