
Setting up

To get this running, you'll need to

  • 1 - Upload the sample content to an s3 bucket and make it public.
  • 2 - Change the url in index.js to the sample content
  • 3 - npm install
  • 4 - zip lib, node_modules and index.js together:
zip -r lib node_modules index.js
  • 5 - Create a new lambda with the code you've just zipped up, with a trigger of alexa skill
  • 6 - Create a new alexa app through amazon
  • 7 - Add the intents and sample utterances in the skills directory in this repo and link it to the lambda arn you just created
  • 8 - You should be set up. Link to an alexa or a echo dot and give it a go.

I've been pretty brief on this set up, you may want to follow some other tutorials to fill in any other gaps.

Lambda local

Make sure you have the latest version of Node (this is known to run on 7.8) and then npm install lambda-local

Run the command lambda-local -l index.js -h handler -e sample-events/unknown_team.js to run against a fictional team, or choose any of the real teams in the sample-events folder.