
Hobby Ray tracing application

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Note: All distances in the property files should follow same metric unit, otherwise undefined results will appear in the rendering.

scene_properties.xml is used to describe the following properties of the scene. Each tag explains how it pertains to the scene.

	<targetImage name="filename" outputDirectory="location">
		<resolution width="image width" height="image height"/>
		<antiAlias m="horizontal supersampling" n="vertical supersampling"/>
	<viewPlane sx="width scale" sy="height scale" eyeToViewPlane="distance"/>

	<camera> - position, orientation parameters of camera in 3d space
		<eye x="" y="" z=""/>
		<lookAt  x="" y="" z=""/>
		<up  x="" y="" z=""/>             <!--direction-->
    <pointLights count="# of point lights">
            <light sno="kind of identification #">
                    <position  x="" y="" z=""/>
                    <color  red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/>
    <areaLights count="# of square area lights">
    	<ALight sno="kind of identification #">
    		<center  x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<horizontal  x="" y="" z=""/> <!--direction-->
    		<vertical  x="" y="" z=""/>   <!--direction-->
    		<samples hSamples="horizontal" vSamples="vertical"/>
    		<color  red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/>
    <specularLight phongExponent="">
    	<color red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/>
    <ambientLight intensity="kind of amplification factor">
    	<color red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/>
		<cool factor="">
  			<color red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/>
		<warm factor="">
  			<color red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/>
	<reflection depth="ray tracing depth" intensity="global factor, convience sake" />
	<refraction depth="ray tracing depth" intensity="global factor, convience sake" />
	<DOF focalLength="" apertureDiameter="" numOfRays="" />
	<ambientOcclusion HitEffectiveDistance="" radialSource="location of radial map" />
    <envMap whichOne="[ cubeMap | sphereMap ]">
    		<posx></posx> <!--location-->
    	<!--sphereMap> made available for future implementation </sphereMap-->

objects.xml is used to describe the various objects in the scene.

<objects> <!--Root element in the xml. Lists the objects in the scene,
			described using object tag-->
	<object type="[ Plane | Sphere | Quadric | Mesh ]"
    		MaterialType="[ diffusive | emissive | refractive | reflective ]"
    		TexTureType="[ SOLID | IMAGE | PROCEDURE ]"
    		neta="refractive index of the material">
    		SOLID - [made available for future implementation]
    		IMAGE - traditional image texturing.
    		PROCEDURE - currently, default JuliaSet is available.
    					More are to come in future.
    		<motion speed="distance metric/second">
    			<direction x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<scale x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<color red="0 to 1" green="" blue=""/> 
    		<!-- 'texFile' is required if TextureType="IMAGE" -->
    		<!-- 'objFile' is required if type="Mesh" -->
    		<!-- 'haxis' and 'vaxis' are required if type="[Plane|Sphere|Quadric]" -->
    		<haxis x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<vaxis x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<!-- 'normal' and 'point' are required if type="Plane" -->
    		<normal x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<point x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<!-- 'center' and 'radius' are required if type="Sphere" -->
    		<center x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<!-- 'aValues' & 'point' are required if type="Quadric" -->
    		<point x="" y="" z=""/>
    		<aValues a02="" a12="" a22="" a01=""  a11="" a21=""  a00=""/>
    		Quadric general equation is F(x) = A*x^2 + B*x + C = 0
    		Normal to Quadric is its gradient = DELTA(F(x)) / |DELTA(F(x))|
    		Below are unit quadrics centered at origin
    		with main axes in x and y dimensions
    			x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1 = 0     is Ellipsoid
    			x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0, Z=[0,K]  is Cylinder
    			x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = 0         is Cone
    			x^2 + y^2 - z^2 - 1 = 0     is Hyperboloid
    			x^2 + y^2 - z^2 + 1 = 0     is Hyperboloid(mirror to above one)
    			x^2 + y^2 - z = 0           is Paraboloid
    		Swapping dimensions will give variations of these basic shapes.
    		Replacing x,y,z with (x-xc),(y-yc),(z-zc) respectively, will translate
    		the object in world. All such equations can be represented using a 
    		single equation given below. 
    		SUM(ai2,i goes from 0 to 2) * xi^2 + SUM(ai1, i goes from 0 to 1) * xi + a00 = 0
    		where xi = x0 | x1 | x2 each representing the dimensions of 3D space.
    		Please see below for an example of how values of a02,a12,a22, a01, a11, a21, a00 
    		dictates the shape of the quadrics given above.
    		Shape        a02    a12    a22    a01    a11    a21    a00
    		Plane        0      0      0      0      0      1      0
    		Ellipsoid    1      1      1      0      0      0      -1
    		Cylinder     1      1      0      0      0      0      -1
    		Cone         1      1      -1     0      0      0      0
    		Hyperboloid  1      1      -1     0      0      0      -1
    		Hyperboloid  1      1      -1     0      0      0      +1
    		Paraboloid   1      1      0      0      0      1      0