Contributors: themefuse
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 5.6
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 2.2.8
License: GPLv3
License URI:
A page builder that is fast & easy, Brizy is a next-gen website builder that anyone can use. No designer or developer skills required. Once you go Brizy, nothing else feels easy!
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A page builder that is fast & easy, Brizy is a next-gen website builder that anyone can use. No designer or developer skills required. Once you go Brizy, nothing else feels easy!
Most page builder crowd all the options for a specific element in remote sidebars, making it hard to focus on the task at hand. Our website builder shows only what's needed, front & centre, close to the element you are editing.
Moving content elements, columns or rows is a breeze with our intuitive Drag & Drop feature. Just grab and drag them to the desired position and everything will instantly fall into place.
Text, buttons, images, icons, video, maps and many more are ready to help you create your page design in a snap.
Expertly crafted with conversions in mind, the Brizy website builder design kit is a collection of 500+ blocks that will enable you to create websites in minutes.
Available in both Outline and Glyph versions, even the most demanding icon needs are covered. Quickly find the icons you're after by filtering through categories or searching by keywords.
Don't worry if you make a mistake or delete something that you shouldn't have. With Undo you can get everything back.
Ever wanted to change all the similar colors in your web page with a single click? With Brizy page builder, you can! Not only that, but you can change all texts that share the same properties in one go, as well.
Switch instantly to Mobile View mode, where you can make changes that will only apply to these type of devices. This gives you the power to differentiate your page design and optimise for smaller screens.
The progress you're making while building your page is always backed up in the cloud, so you'll never lose your work.
- Join our Facebook Group.
We strive to make Brizy to be awesome and user friendly, though sometimes it's impossible to avoid bugs. A bug means "something is broken" or is not working as it should.
In order to offer you an effective support and fix for an issue, please follow the below guidelines before submitting a bug report:
Has your issue already been reported? Check the Issues page.
If your issue has already been reported, great! It will be reviewed in an upcoming release.
You can report the issue via Issues page. A good bug report includes full details to easily understand the issue you are having and the exact steps to reproduce if it is a bug.
- WordPress 4.5 or greater
- PHP version 5.4 or greater
- MySQL version 5.0 or greater
- PHP version 7.0 or greater
- MySQL version 5.6 or grDeclared $is_allowed_for_current_usereater
- WP Memory limit of 64 MB or greater (128 MB or higher is preferred)
- Install using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer, or Extract the zip file and drop the contents in the
directory of your WordPress installation. - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Go to Pages > Add New
- Press the 'Edit with Brizy' button.
Do not use the html from post_content. That content is updated only to support some seo plugins.
To correctly get the compiled post html use the code below:
$post = Brizy_Editor_Post::get( $post_id );
$html = new Brizy_Editor_CompiledHtml( $post->get_compiled_html() );
// the <head> content
// the $headHtml contains all the assets the page needs
$headHtml = apply_filters( 'brizy_content', $html->get_head(), Brizy_Editor_Project::get(), $post->getWpPost() );
// the <body> content
$bodyHtml = apply_filters( 'brizy_content', $html->get_body(), Brizy_Editor_Project::get(), $post->getWpPost() );
• New: Membership functionality • New: Accordion content animation • New: IconText icon link • Improved: Publish toolbar CSS • Fixed: Colorpicker minor issues • Fixed: Drag & Drop for 'absolute' positioned elements • Fixed: Timeline CSS • Fixed: Embed CSS
- New: Added animation option for Accordion content
- Improved: Code refactoring and optimization
- Fixed: Custom Video CSS option
- Fixed: Images with absolute position no longer blurry
- Fixed: Get taxonomies bug
- Fixed: Removed duplicate dynamic content call
- Fixed: Restore template from trash
- Fixed: Avoid cloud call crash
- Fixed: Global Popups
- Fixed: Insert Brizy buttons in the editor
- Fixed: WOOCart toolbar activating from beneath the backdrop
- Fixed: Sections width on tablet and mobile
- Fixed: Global blocks
- Fixed: Accordion when content not displayed in viewport
- Fixed: Rich-text color style on Copy / Paste
- Fixed: Rich-text font size on mobile view
- Fixed: Custom video in popup
- Fixed: Login hover on field
- Fixed: Login authorization
- Fixed: Stepper on editor in Astra theme
- Fixed: Video open in fullscreen on iPhone
- Fixed: Options in the right sidebar
- Fixed: Slider with padding
- Fixed: Global Popups
- Fixed: Editor UI Slider options
- Fixed: Layout CSS for IE
- Fixed: Section custom attributes option not acception spaces
- Improved: Move elements on top when editing posts with Brizy
- Improved: Polling stop send ping only take over
- Improved: BlocksData get blocksData from S3
- New: Added margin option in Header
- New: Added WooCommerce default Products Page to Pages element
- Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.6
- Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.6
- Improved: Templates images
- Updated: Google Fonts
- Fixed: Ping request
- New: 7 Pre-made Layouts and Landing pages
- Fixed: Image with included SVG source
- Improved: Reduced plugin size
- Fixed: Product single page
- Fixed: Popup scroll inner content
- Fixed: GlobalBlocks revision
- Fixed: EasyWp images
- Fixed: Error in abstract shortcode
- Fixed: Form failing to submit when having multiple Text field
- Improved: Reduced the number of divs at preview
- Improved: Reduced the size of JavaScript at preview
- Improved: reCAPTCHA is now displayed after the user submits the form instead of at load
- Fixed: Image sizing when in a MenuPro mobile menu item
- Fixed: the_content/placeholder replace recursion
- Fixed: Page content extractor
- Improved: PlainText editor (used in Button, Accordion, Tabs, etc) now accepts copy / paste
- Improved: The Sync with Brizy Cloud Popup is now less annoying
- Improved: Login element icon
- Fixed: Screenshots were taking way too long to make for certain blocks
- Fixed: Making a Saved block would sometimes fail because of the block id
- Fixed: Carousel element would crash when dragging it's last slide out of it
- Fixed: Images inside Menu element were having sizing issues
- Fixed: MenuFree css issues
- Fixed: Color toolbar option css issues
- New: Audio element loop option
- Improved: Video element will be lazy loaded in browsers that support it
- Improved: Menu element icon
- Fixed: Tab element scrollTop animation on mobile mode
- Fixed: Clear Layout button visible for non admin users
- Fixed: Custom Attributes option not accepting data attributes
- Fixed: Animations in popups were not replayed after reopens
- Fixed: Video Play button appearing over Popup
- Fixed: Form element sometimes working improperly on failed submits
- Fixed: Icons CSS issues caused by the Twenty Twenty theme
- Fixed: Scroll on WP Media Gallery not working properly
- Fixed: Removed regex matching for head and body. There are cases when we hit the backtrack limit configured in php.ini.
- Fixed: Ignore old blocks on sync
- Fixed: Main editor page html syntax
- Fixed: Form submission action bug
- Fixed: Cloud sync
- Fixed: Blured images
- Fixed: Video on Cover in Pop-up
- Fixed: Make global to normal
- Fixed: Embed element in Popup
- Fixed: Icons in preivew
- Fixed: Form radio and checkbox
- Fixed: Responsive for prompt form integrations
- Fixed: Published Global Popup
- Fixed: Button margin
- Fixed: GlobalBlocks in preview
- Fixed: Replaced some calls to file_get_contents with Brizy_Editor_Asset_StaticFile::get_asset_content
- Fixed: Shortpixel bug
- Fixed: Added global context for dynamic content
- Fixed: Fixed template rule form
- Fixed: The white label support url
- Fixed: Edit With Brizy is not displayed when using Gutenberg
- Fixed: The creation of the uid when a revision is provided
- Fixed: Mail template has only one value in all placeholders
- Fixed: Screenshots not working with Embed with scripts in it
- Fixed: Memory issue that was causing a few projects to not work at preview
- Fixed: Duplicate button not being shown for slider inside a global block
- Fixed: Countdown not displaying properly bigger numbers
- Fixed: PostContent css issue
- Fixed: Some icons did not work at preview
- Fixed: Site health loopback error
- Fixed: Include elementor_library as post type in template conditions
- Fixed: Show all public post types in the rules of the template
- Fixed: Post demo content in the editor
- Fixed: Fixed license page
- Fixed: Apply the content filters for default template
- Fixed: Dynamic content does not have a demo post
- Fixed: Fixed the default rule when product template type is saved
- Fixed: Updated the screenshot migration to contnue migration if the post is invalid (has no valid meta)
- Fixed: Changed the reqex that extract the shortcodes to understand html encoded quotes
- Fixed: Fixed cloud sync for restored databases
- Fixed: Post Info and #author render the display_name of the user
- Fixed: Preview, clean empty id
- Fixed: Conflict between Menu and Lottie
- Fixed: Templates rules for white label enabled sites Fixed support URL-s filters
- Fixed: Image optimization PHP version fix
- Fixed: Support URL filters
- Fixed: Sync process bugs
- Fixed: Allow to continue the sync process if there are block with deleted assets
- Fixed: Recaptcha integration and leads saving
- Fixed: Exclude rule bug
- Fixed: Changed session status check
- Fixed: Short pixel key validation
- Fixed: Product tags filter in rule options
- Fixed: Some placeholder labels
- Fixed: Button spacing
- Fixed: Button color in Mobile menu
- Fixed: Countdown element
- Fixed: Import/Export images
- Fixed: Icons many requests, CORS CDN
- Fixed: Plugin version
- Fixed: Declared property
- Fixed: Removed code that does not work in older PHP version
- Fixed: Deleted unnecessary files from all dependencies we use extended the Image element (added fixed px size)
- Improved: Plugin loading
- Improved: Sent post directly in the get_the_content post content element
- Improved: Increased the size limit of Image population to 5000px
- Improved: Enabled shape option on responsive for all Sections
- Fixed: Section tag name
- Fixed: Global block toolbar icon
- Fixed: Removed content editable attribute on texts at preview
- Fixed: Toolbar positioning inside popups
- Fixed: TextEditor at undo / redo
- Fixed: Background video loop
- Fixed: Form select responsive width at preview
- Fixed: Section padding resize width
- Fixed: Ignore empty data values when updating global blocks
- Fixed: Changed the update global blocks to allow to update blocks without sending the data
- Fixed: Revision for compile page on preview
- Fixed: Compatibility with TranslatePress (Language by GET parameter)
- Fixed: Compatibility with LiteSpeed plugin
- Fixed: Missing translation ready strings
- Fixed: Security fixes
- Fixed: Security fixes
- New: Switched Nucleo icons for Font Awesome
- Improved: The message when the page was edited from another tab or window is now clearer
- Fixed: Search Element not appearing in the elements list
- Fixed: Popup conditions bug
- Fixed: Saved popup blocks not being shown in the global popup editor
- Fixed: Mobile menu now closes when clicking on an anchor link from it
- Fixed: Edit sub-pages with Brizy
- Fixed: Load feedback and widget news only for admin users
- Fixed: Hide Gutenberg of WordPress 5.4
- Fixed: Progress element text editor
- Fixed: Hidden population options
- Improved: RichText toolbar doesn't overlap the text
- Fixed: Added backward compatibility with old PRO plugins
- Fixed: Failed to enqueue script Select2
- Fixed: Tooltip position
- Fixed: Brizy content for subpages
- New: Notification system for errors and if two users work on the same page.
- New: Maintenance Mode
- New: Add a Get Help link
- New: Shortcut, press Esc key to select parent container
- New: Added toggle options to make the More settings right sidebar sticky
- New: Changed the template rules to allow users to create templates for posts from a specific category
- New: Added compatibility Broken Link Checker
- New: Added compatibility with SeoPress
- New: Added compatibility with RankMath
- New: Add Maintenance Mode Link in the admin toolbar
- New: Changed the template rules to allow users to create templates for posts from a specific category
- New: Added compatibility Broken Link Checker
- New: Added compatibility with SeoPress
- New: Added compatibility with RankMath
- New: Add Maintenance Mode Link in the admin toolbar
- Improved: Added 2 styles for Progress element
- Improved: Added icons, vertical/horizontal options for Tabs element
- Improved: Added icons, tags for the Accordion element
- Improved: Added styles, redirect, message for the Countdown element
- Improved: Added 3 styles for the Counter element
- Improved: Element toolbar doesn’t cover the content you are editing anymore
- Improved: Optimised and re-written options in the builder for Border, Box Shadow, Code Mirror, Color Picker, Image upload, Input Text, Multi Select, Element Toolbar, Select, Slider, Switch, Tabs, Toggle, Textarea, Typography
- Fixed: Enable/Disable editing with Brizy
- Fixed: Brizy post revisions
- Fixed: Brizy templates that are using the default theme template
- Fixed: Enable/Disable editing with brizy
- Fixed: Refactoring the post type field in editor config
- Fixed: Post field shortcode to use a sample post for templates
- Fixed: Brizy post revisions
- Fixed: Brizy templates that are using the default theme template
- Fixed: Removed header To from email headers
- Fixed: Export errors for certain users
- Fixed: Removed header 'To' from PHPMailer
- Fixed: Removed local Lato font
- Fixed: Removed Europa Font
- Fixed: Removed IowanOldStyleBT-Bold Font
- Fixed: Use jQuery from WordPress
- Fixed: Removed all possible screenshot extensions al leaved only jpeg
- Fixed: Force jQuery enqueue.
- Fixed: Removed some unused code added Select2 as a dependency
- Fixed: Removed Site Settings feature as this was never used
- Fixed: Removed Nucleo
- Fixed: Added Font Awesome4
- Fixed: Removed all possible screenshot extensions al leaved only jpeg
- Fixed: Force jQuery enqueue.
- Fixed: Removed some unused code added Select2 as a dependency
- Fixed: Removed Site Settings feature as this was never used
- Fixed: Builder settings page access
- Fixed: Column settings with column draggable
- Fixed: WpMediaUpload buttons
- New: Added new Layouts to free
- Fixed: PHP warning in RuleSet class
- Fixed: Changed the code to return the exception thrown by wp_mail
- Fixed: Menu align option
- Fixed: Send mail for Wordpress form integration
- New: Forms added new Fields
- New: SVG Upload Feature
- New: Lazy load for image ( Chrome Only )
- Improved: Images search for optimization
- Improved: Icons for Tabs was added
- Improved: WordPress Dynamic content ( Title, Excerpt, Content )
- Fixed: Pagination on front page
- Fixed: Dashboard Brizy Box
- Fixed: Template rules match
- Fixed: Popup compilation
- Fixes: Popup scroll fixes
- Fixes: Incompatibility with LiteSpeed Cache
- Fixes: Incompatibility with Unicon core plugin
- Fixes: Remove unnecessary SEO, Social entries
- Fixed: Editor config cache
- Fixed: Compilation and save post
- Fixed: Compile if there is no autosave post on vew page
- Improved: Page save
- New: Extended REST api response for brizy posts
- Fixed: Sections shape color in responsive
- Fixed: wp_check_filetype_and_ext argument count
- Fixed: Set DefaultFont for root brizy not body
- Fixed: IconText pre-wrap only buttons
- Fixed: Dnd between columns
- Fixed: Styles, resolve conflicts with twenty twenty theme
- Fixed: Header animation slideUp, slideDown when close/open
- Fixed: Menu align option
- Fixed: mkdir warning for folders that already exists
- Fixed: Usage of PHP_INT_MIN constant
- Fixed: Row negative margin
- Fixed: Sidebar scroll and reorder blocks
- Fixed: Animation with zIndex
- Fixed: Carousel with inner icons
- Fixed: Section hidden gradient when both gradient are opacity 0
- Fixed: Section full height in editor mode
- Fixed: Popup screenshots
- Fixed: PromptBlock, PromptFonts, PromptForms tooltip pro blocking scroll
- Fixed: Columns Dragging
- Fixed: Section conflicts padding with Twenty Twenty theme
- Improved: Set up default project font to body
- Improved: Leftsidebar disabled options for specific roles
- Fixed: Create project method
- Fixed: Temporary screenshot file path
- Fixed: Translation function call
- Fixed: Header/Footer box shadow
- Fixed: CSS issue that was causing performance problems in Safari
- New: Function for dynamic data for RenderPreview in facebook comments
- Fixed: Google fonts error for old users
- Fixed: Fixed temporary screenshot file path
- Fixed: Register Brizy supported custom posts on plugin initialization to be able to run migrations
- Fixed: Button not changing colors when switching styles
- Fixed: Load default project font on preview
- Fixed: Register custom templates if upgrading from a version < 1.0.70
- Fixed: Dynamic content context generation
- Fixed: Template preview URL for Blogs/Posts page
- Fixed: Template preview URL for 404 page
- Fixed: Dynamic content form templates
- Fixed: Data migration script
- Fixed: Brizy content filter
- Fixed: Data migration bug
- Fixed: Brizy content filter
- New: Added Design Kit 2.0
- Fixed: Show on tablet & mobile
- Fixed: Facebook Elements Fix
- Fixed: Header, translation
- New: Added indicator to show or hide all hidden blocks
- Improved: Slider dots and arrows color can now be set per device
- Fixed: The preview Url for archive Brizy templates
- Fixed: Show the latest compiled page if the compiler fails
- Fixed: Text translations
- Fixed: Checking for failed DB request when getting the project instance
- Fixed: Globals data migration
- Fixed: Disabled Block Background Attachment Fixed for Responsive
- Fixed: Image Shadow Border Radius Fix in Preview
- Fixed: Editor version number
- Fixed: RichText horizontal align justify
- Fixed: Show on Devices for Section
- Fixed: Globals to data migration
- Fixed: WOOProducts shortcode
- Fixed: Editor version
- Fixed: Read me files
- Fixed: Fonts with Mega Menu section
- New: Text image mask
- New: Text shadow
- New: Text gradient color
- New: Block shape dividers were moved from PRO to Free
- Improved: Migrated Soundcloud, Counter, Facebook Group, Page and Comments to a new CSS system meant to clean up the DOM
- Improved: Reduced JavaScript file size
- Improved: Improved error handling in api
- Fixed: Unable to “unglobal” Header and Footer blocks
- Fixed: Unable to use drag and drop in a global Popup block
- Fixed: Inputs, selects and textareas not being cleared when successfully submitting a form
- Fixed: Changing Section width in desktop mode affected other modes as well
- Fixed: RichText putting extra whitespace sometimes
- Fixed: SVG for two Section dividers
- Fixed: Wrong submit settings action call
- Fixed: Media asset processor
- Fixed: Template view on network sites
- Fixed: Fixed the case for duplicated global blocks in database
- Fixed: Media asset processor to replace all image urls from static css
- Fixed: Fixed ajax urls
- Fixed: Popup option not working for certain users
- Fixed: Url for Go to pro button
- Fixed: Section Make it a Slider option
- Fixed: Hotkeys not working in Global blocks
- Fixed: Slider dots options not working with certain WordPress themes
- Fixed: Undo / Redo
- Fixed: Brizy template for front page
- Fixed: Blank template and template loading
- New: Added hover transition option for Icon and Button
- Improved: Set a minimum height to Embed and WordPress elements
- Improved: Migrated Line and Progress to a new CSS system meant to clean up the DOM
- Improved: Sql queries
- Fixed: Menu not working when having more than one in a page
- Fixed: Form number filed triggering validation error when empty but not required
- Fixed: Vertical align in column
- Fixed: Image optimize submit settings
- Fixed: Autosave for globals and saved block
- Fixed: Guafrette warning in Path class
- New: Integrated Shortpixel image optimizer
- Improved: Lowered the max brizy revision count
- Improved: Delete old autosave posts
- Improved: Changed max brizy revision count value to 30
- Fixed: Optimized delete auto saved posts code
- Fixed: Removed random image names (works only for new image uploads)
- Fixed Create global blocks
- Fixed Create attachment post for block images
- Fixed: Autoptimeze plugin breaks our css
- New: Box Shadow option for Button, Icon, Soundcloud, Embed, Header, Footer
- Improved: Disabled Overlay Color option for Video when it has an image cover
- Improved: Return draft posts in Add rule form for template
- Fixed: Carousel toolbar not opening
- Fixed: Embed Border option not working properly
- Fixed: Section Dividers not respecting global color palette values
- Fixed: Background Video option not working in preview in certain instances
- Fixed: Screenshots for Global and Saved blocks not being displayed
- Fixed: Publish button not working for certain users
- Fixed: Fixed clear cache method
- Fixed: Undo / Redo
- Fixed: Project meta value setter
- Fixed: Activate license form
- New: Box Shadow option for Icon, Image, Video, Map, Column, Row
- New: Hover transition option for Image
- New: Removed autosave feature when you edit pages
- Improved: Editor performance regressions caused by Context Menu
- Fixed: Chrome warnings regarding scroll passive events
- Fixed: Icon selection popup scrollbar
- Fixed: Slider in rtl mode
- Fixed: Shift+Z shortcut in RichText
- New: White label support
- Fixed: Removed the migration per post
- Fixed: Form deserialization
- Fixed: RichText losing focus after typing pauses
- New: Added shortcuts for various actions
- New: Row and Column link options
- New: Video and Embed border options
- Improved: Right click shortcuts
- Fixed: Preview in IE 11
- Fixed: Image custom CSS option in preview
- Fixed: Archives sort order in preview
- Fixed: Form integrations
- Fixed: Back to WordPress button in classic editor
- Fixed: Project dependencies
- New: Block Adder UI
- New: Map and Soundcloud border options
- New: Added spacing for cloneable elements (Button, Icon, etc.) on mobile and tablet
- Improved: Custom CSS option
- Improved: Link option tabs order
- Improved: Network optimizations for block screenshots
- Improved: Base64 encode compiled HTML
- Fixed: Stop playing videos inside closed popups
- Fixed: Video cover position
- Fixed: Animations in Safari
- Fixed: Images that are added via Embed option CSS
- Fixed: Screenshot API refactoring
- Fixed: Form serialization
- Fixed: Compatibility SG optimizer
- Fixed: Compile post flag refactoring
- Fixed: Autoloader compatibility
- Fixed: Fixed the image cropper
- New: Border Styles on mobile and tablet for all containers (Sections, Row, Column)
- New: Added wp language placeholder
- New: Added facebook placeholders
- Fixed: Vertical align option on mobile
- Fixed: SectionFooter toolbar icon that shows that it’s a global block missing
- Fixed: Increased the image quality to 100%
- Fixed: The edit with Brizy buttons
- Fixed: Removed template select for posts
- Fixed: Added compatibility with phastpress
- Fixed: Removed redirect_to_mapped_domain function handled on the hook template_redirect
- New: Added column revert option for tablet and mobile device modes
- New: Added filters for support and upgrade to pro urls
- Fixed: Crash when making a block global
- Fixed: Video not working at preview with certain themes
- Fixed: Featured image focal point for Gutenberg
- Fixed: Thumbnail for downloaded media
- Fixed: Hide Gutenberg blocks and show the Brizy button
- New: Added gradient to backgrounds
- New: Added hover to backgrounds
- Fixed: Background parallax at preview
- Fixed: RichText sometimes removing newline characters
- Fixed: Disabled Row duplicate and delete when inside popup via context menu
- Fixed: Access to rule api
- Fixed: Compatibility with WebCraftic Clearfy plugin
- Fixed: Fixed group options for template rules
- Fixed: Wordpress integration for forms
- Fixed: Unable to add background images
- Fixed: Migration instance class check
- New: Forms and Form Integration support
- Fixed: Block screenshots being made on mobile device mode
- Fixed: Block screenshots not aligning properly in the anchor link option
- Fixed: Backgrounds with parallax not working in editor when in mobile device
- New: Added block screenshots in browsers that support it (Chrome, Firefox, Safari to a lesser extent)
- New: Possibility to add custom names to anchor links
- New: Compatibility Litespeed plugin
- New: Added API methods to get/save block screenshots
- Improved: Changed the rule manager to work with different posts
- Improved: Changed the rule api to accept json instead of form-urlencoded values
- Fixed: Remove actions that play with js scripts
- Fixed: Fixed the regexp for head extraction
- Fixed: Fixed page assets url
- Fixed: Used hideSiteUrl on save compiled html to db
- Fixed: Video not being able to go fullscreen
- Fixed: Impossible to add global colors to RichText links
- Fixed: Impossible to change margin to less than -100
- Fixed: Lightbox z-index conflict with header blocks
- Fixed: Check every request for multiple urls by Brizy_Editor_Http_Response
- Fixed: Changed signature of do_action of register API methods brizy_register_api_methods
- Fixed: Added config texts filter
- Fixed: Version check for Gutenberg compatibility
- New: Added block screenshots in browsers that support it
- New: Possibility to add custom names to anchor links
- New: Compatibility litespeed plugin
- New: Added api methods to get/save block screenshots
- Fixed: Impossible to add global colors to RichText links
- Fixed: Impossible to change margin to less than -100
- Fixed: Lightbox z-index conflict with header blocks
- Fixed: Remove actions that play with js scripts
- Fixed: Check every request for multiple urls by Brizy_Editor_Http_Response
- Fixed: Fixed the regexp for head extraction
- Fixed: Unable to delete Global blocks
- Fixed: Brizy buttons for Wordpress 5
- FIxed: Brizy buttons for Gutemberg
- New: Columns can now be resizes in mobile device mode
- Fixed: Tempate fixes
- Fixed: Dynamic content fixes
- Fixed: Removed wpautop filter
- Fixed: Added favicon
- Fixed: RichText error in certain blocks
- Fixed: Animation delay
- Fixed: Link animation on click
- Fixed: Disable autoptimize plugin when editor is open
- Fixed: Exclude jQuery
- Fixed: Image height conflicts with certain plugins
- Fixed: Slider video background height
- Fixed: Animation class name
- Fixed: Fixed autoload for some users
- New: Added Column resize in tablet mode
- Fixed: NaN showing in RichText toolbar line-height option in tablet and mobile modes
- Fixed: Animations z-index issues on preview
- Fixed: Iframe with scroll css issue in tablet and mobile modes
- Fixed: Fixed css that made deleting Global and Saved blocks or very hard
- Fixed: Fixed notices layout
- Fixed: Added author list in internal url list
- Fixed: Added display type on placeholders
- Fixed: Fixed compatibility with WP 5.0
- Updated: Removed browser restriction overlay
- Improved: Typography inputs can now be edited using the keyboard
- Improved: Added revision limits for brizy posts. By default we store 100 revisions.
- Fixed: Cursor jumping when editing RichText url
- Fixed: Crash when changing device mode with certain themes
- Fixed: Removed title attribute from images
- Fixed: ImagePicker option styling
- Fixed: Added missing justify option to RichText alignment on tablet
- Fixed: Editor config
- Fixed: Added versioning for plugin assets
- Fixed: Fixed editor and plugin version in project
- Fixed: Missing Saved and Global blocks that were started from BLANK BLOCK
- Fixed: Section slider icons at export
- Improved: Refactored the content module
- New: Added tablet mode
- Improved: Added warning when the theme does not use the_content filter
- Fixed: Typography toolbar styles
- New: Added mobile body class
- Fixed: Preview url for all pages template
- Fixed: Carousel at export
- New: Added context (right click) menu for most elements
- Improved: Button and Icon groups are now vertically centered
- Improved: Toolbar options styling
- Improved: Added percentage to Image toolbar zoom option
- Fixed: Import posts/projects
- Fixed: Execute do_shortcodes on page content
- Fixed: Brizy Menu for unsupported posts
- Fixed: Compatibility fixes for gutemberg, autoptimize and w3-total-cache
- Fixed: Class autoloader fix
- Fixed: Updated project API
- Fixed: Image url problems when using WPML
- Fixed: Image missing alt and title attributes
- Fixed: CSS Corrupted file compression issue with Siteground
- Fixed: Forms stop sending other requests if one is already in progress
- Fixed: Nucleo icon font issue
- Fixed: Duplicate media
- Fixed: Ignore template rules for deleted templates
- Fixed: Fixed template rules for deleted templates
- Fixed: Section background image for mobil
- Fixed: Gutemberg compatilbility
- Fixed: User role and capability checker
- Fixed: Fixed feed pages
- New: Added migration module
- New: Migrate project to custom post
- New: Added migration module
- New: Migrate project to custom post
- Fixed: Add Elements from left sidebar broken order
- New: Added justify to alignment options for RichText
- Updated: RichText font size limit was increased up to 300
- Fixed: Section with slider enabled Full Height option
- Fixed: Fixed select2 compatibility
- Fixed: Remove Content-Length header when returning assets
- Fixed: Fixed the_Excerpt recursion
- Fixed: Fixed icons urls
- Improved: Added redundant config urls
- Fixed: Editor crash bug
- Improved: Removed taxonomies from config
- Fixed: Carousel incorrect large width on mobile
- Improved: Reduced the number of divs generated by the editor
- Fixed: Form submit toolbar not showing for certain users
- Fixed: Preview for draft posts
- Updated: Carousel library that is used in the editor (react-slick)
- Fixed: Display keys instead of blank texts in the editor when missing translations
- Improved: Laid some groundwork for future pro features
- Improved: Use native query to get the attachment by uid
- Fixed: Mobile Tabs content Scroll
- Fixed: The conflict with Live composer builder
- Fixed: The conflict with Wp copyright plugin
- Fixed: The insert content filter
- Fixed: Changed the UrlBuilder and CromMedia classe to depend on post id
- Fixed: Filter the texonomies that does not have any terms
- Fixed: Image crop on dynamic content placeholders
- Fixed: Brizy templates preview when the user was not logged in
- Improved: CSS transition for Section padding resizer
- Improved: Show a special overlay for unsupported browsers instead of loading the editor
- Fixed: External links that were broken by previous update
- Fixed: RichText font families that were broken by previous update
- Fixed: Do not show Upgrade to Pro option when Pro is enabled
- Fixed: ColorPicker option in advanced options (right sidebar) being cut by overflow
- New: Added get_taxonomies api method
- Improved: Links will not open a new tab by default
- Improved: Toolbar labels color contrast for better readability
- Improved: Device mode popover styles
- Improved: Icons popup categories dropdown styles
- Improved: Modified the crop proxy to accept attachemt ids and uid hashes
- Improved: Added custom preview urls for templates
- Fixed: Image LightBox cursor style (set to zoom-in)
- Fixed: Text space for ordered and unordered lists
- Fixed: Line css conflicts with certain WordPress themes
- Fixed: Refresh permalink cache
- Fixed: Bug fixes on template module
- Fixed: Fixed templates for user with limited access or no acccess
- Fixed: Fixed the rule class in template module
- Fixed: Fixed the compile check for templates
- New: Added Featured Image option in LeftSidebar
- New: Added Upgrade to Pro option in LeftSidebar
- New: Added Submit an Issue option in LeftSidebar
- New: Added Brizy Templates
- New: Added Image LightBox
- Fixed: Upload path for windows installs
- Fixed: RichText word-break in Firefox
- Fixed: Added twig file system cache to avoid using eval function.
- Fixed: Disabled Expect header for compiler requests
- Fixed: Improved the preview page
- Fixed: Filter content only on main request regardles of what page type we show the content
- Improved: Removed duplicate code that updates the needs_compile flag when the globals is updated
- Improved: Added validation of global JSON object
- Fixed: Editor loading animation wouldn’t end when certain plugins were installed
- Improved: Smooth scroll for internal WordPress menu links
- Improved: Text for link nofollow option
- Fixed: The editor should now work with performance optimization plugins
- Fixed: Color styles for form fields
- Fixed: EmbedCode height consistent with content
- Fixed: RichText hyphens
- Fixed: Used body_class in body tag in brizy-blank-template.php
- Fixed: Fixed the inline json for editor
- Fixed: Admin url fix for wpengine hosting
- New: Added option to external links
- New: Check the PHP version and stop the plugin if the required php version is not meet
- Improved: Added font subsets (e.g., arabic, bengali, cyrillic)
- Improved: Video element will be loaded after click on it’s preview image
- Improved: Reduced tooltip animation delay for better UX
- Improved: Clicking on a Tabs element handle on mobile will scroll the document to the top of it’s content
- Fixed: PHP compatibility fix
- Fixed: jQuery conflicts at preview
- Fixed: Some Image element resize / crop issues
- Fixed: Linking to global blocks should now work as expected
- Fixed: Section slider styles in Safari and some conflicts with host theme’s styles
- Fixed: RichText tags (i.e., p, span, a, em) & figure tag style conflicts with the host theme (edited)
- New: Added box shadow option for various elements
- New: Added hamburger option for Menu
- New: Revisions support
- New: Image resize integration
- New: Settings page redesign
- Improved: Image resizing will now happen locally in WP instead of on Brizy servers
- Improved: IconBox, Form, Tabs, Accordion toolbar looks like Row Column ones
- Improved: Added tooltips for sidebar elements
- Fixed: Corrected Countdown preview bug
- Fixed: Corrected Form integration url
- Fixed: Fixed the upload urls
- Fixed: Fixed https value in
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- Fixed: Fixed asset proxy url
- Fixed: Form email field validation
- Fixed: Section auto generated ids anchor problems
- Fixed: Video not being able to go full screen
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- Fixed: Changed the way we store the data in db
- Fixed: Submit form for guests
- Fixed: Form serialization
- Fixed: Clean the logs table when the plugin is deactivated
- New: Added new icons
- Fixed: Fixed the scripts that hide the editor
- Fixed: Update page script
- Fixed: A bunch of small bugs
- Fixed: update global values request
- Fixed: Removed signature and token check
- New: Added WordPress form integration
- New: Added FontWeight and LetterSpacing for RichText element on Mobile
- Improved: Section toolbar shows a special icon if the block is global
- Improved: Section toolbar Save button feedback when clicked
- Fixed: Button text editing on Safari
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- Fixed: Changed the the_content filter
- Fixed: Do not check the signature of the user if it's a local user
- Fixed: Removed from email and name from form class
- Improved: Trigger post change when project global data is updated
- Fixed: Brizy editor now works properly on SiteGround
- Fixed: Fixed page title for editor page
- Fixed: Changelogs in readme files
- Fixed: Back compatibility issues
- New: Added saved and global blocks
- New: Paddings and margins now accept values in percent
- Fixed: Form number input type not accepting negative and decimal values
- Fixed: Form submit text editing in Firefox
- Fixed: RichText element align on mobile
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- Fixed: Removed functions.php
- Fixed: Store the platform credentials in plugin config to avoid one platform request
- New: Added saved and global blocks
- New: Added Form element integrations
- New: Paddings and margins now accept values in percent
- Fixed: Form submit text editing in Firefox
- Fixed: RichText element align on mobile
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- New: Made the editor translatable
- New: Added 3 new svg icons for wp shortcodes
- Improved: Image element drag resizer now works better
- Improved: Added the possibility to enable/disable logs
- Fixed: Video element autoplay
- Fixed: Vertical align for row and column elements
- Fixed: Some issues with text element and undo / redo
- Fixed: Force all posts to be compiled on next view if the globals has been updated
- Fixed: Removed autoformat for wordpress content
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- New: Disabled all platform api calls
- New: Added resizing via drag for Section paddings
- New: Added resizing via drag for various elements (Image, Map, Spacer, etc.)
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- New: Added WooCommerce elements
- Fixed: Fixed array declaration syntax to support older php versions
- New: Added basic animations
- New: Added spacing option to Menu element
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- New: Added cover option to Video element
- Improved: Updated readme files
- Improved: Clicking on a anchor will trigger a smooth transition to the target
- Improved: Tabs element with long labels will look better on mobile
- Improved: Better support for retina displays
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- Fixed: Capability access to edit/save brizy posts
- Fixed: Settings page
- Fixed: Recompile page after plugin update
- Fixed: The default title of the newly created pages will be "Brizy #{ID}" format
- Fixed: Save compiler version at compile time
- Fixed: Media asset proxy
- Fixed: Reconfigured the page compiler
- New: Added keyword shortcuts for undo / redo
- Improved: Navigation will return empty if the menu name is null
- Improved: Added support for custom type posts
- Improved: Updated the plugin name
- Improved: Disabled leave confirmation when editing with brizy is clicked
- Fixed: Long compile page requests
- Fixed: Changed page compilation
- Fixed: Responsive issues
- Fixed: Scroll speed in Firefox
- Fixed: Other minor bugs
- Fixed: Publish/Update button
- Fixed: Bug Fixes
- New: Initial Beta Release