This document provides an overview of this nate tech submission.

Setup Guide

To spin the application up locally run the following command from the root directory of the repo.

docker-compose up -d

With this, containers for the api, celery, redis and postgres will be span up. The application is served on port 8004.

To see the API documentation open the following:



There are a number of endpoints which can be used.

GET health/

Returns the health status of other services. This response will be in the form:

  "service_a": "HEALTHY",
  "service_b": "UNHEALTHY",

POST pages/

Creates a page object and kicks off a task to scrape the given target_url.

This endpoint will return the ID of the new Page object:

  "page_id": 1,

GET pages/

Lists out the page objects in full

GET pages/{page_id}/

Retrieves the individual page object and the corresponding results. The results can be ordered with the query parameter ordering.