
+) Implement the rendez-vous of differential drive robots

version 1 (after accordingly modifying turtles.launch and main.launch as specified in the respective files):

`roslaunch mr_project main.launch`

`rosrun mr_project`

version 2 (after accordingly modifying turtles.launch and main.launch as specified in the respective files):

`roslaunch mr_project main.launch` 

+) Implement formation travelling w/ obstacle avoidance

run the simulation world:

`roslaunch mr_project main.launch`

in two new shells run respectively the server and the client needed to implement the ROS action:

`rosrun mr_project`

`rosrun mr_project`

+) Implement leader-follower dynamic: the leader is responsible for the path planning while the others follow

Open three terminal and run in each one respectively the following commands:

`roslaunch mr_project multi_spawn.launch`

`roslaunch mr_project multi_navigation.launch`

`rosrun mr_project`