A suite of utility functions that are used in my scraping scripts.
Clean a list of extensions to not include a leading dot.
@param exts - Original list of extensions.
@return a list of cleaned extensions.
Compute the hashes of files with specified extensions using a specified algorithm function.
@param dir - String of directory to process.
@param exts - List of extensions. If None, then all extensions are queried.
@param algo - Function for the hashing algorithm from hashlib.
@param hashes - Dictionary of seen hashes. Index is hash, value is original media name.
@param recurse - If true, subdirectories are traversed. If false, subdirectories are skipped.
@return a dictionary indexed by hash value storing the file name.
Download media from a list of URLs if the hash has not been seen before.
@param dir - Destination directory for the download.
@param urls - List of URLs to query.
@param algo - Algorithm from hashlib used by the dictionary of hashes.
@param hashes - Dictionary of seen hashes. Index is hash, value is original media name.
@return the new dictionary of hashes.
- To include scrape_utils in your code, copy all contents from this repository into a folder of any name, e.g.
. - Move the folder to same directory as the Python file that will use the utility functions, e.g.
. - Import
to the Python file, e.g.from foobar.scraping_utils import *
This repository is for personal use. There is no guarantee that the function signatures used in the current version will be compatible with future versions. Use at your own risk.