=== Plugin Name === Contributors: AD Donate link: https://voffice.pro Tags: vOffice Requires at least: 5.6 Tested up to: 5.7.1 Stable tag: 5.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == We are leaders in office communication technology. In the new normal, we need better, transparent and empowering communication. vOffice delivers you just that. == Installation == 1. Download zip from https://github.com/A-D-E/wp-vOffice 2. Install and activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Set your option in backend 4. Add this shortcode: [voffice] at any place of your choice == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is vOffice? = vOffice is a secure peer-to-peer video solution for internal and external company communication and organisation. = How do I start vOffice? = Open vOffice via your email invitation link. We recommend opening the invitation link with Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari browser. We also recommend saving vOffice as a bookmark or installing the Chrome / Edge app. As a RA-MICRO user, you can also open vOffice via the vOffice button in RA-MICRO = Where is the data stored? = User data is stored centrally on the signaling server of RA-MICRO Software AG. The server is hosted in Germany by the ISO 27001 certified company OVH. = Where can I learn more about vOffice? = https://www.voffice.pro == Screenshots == 1. Frontend 2. Backend == Changelog == = 1.0.7 = allow Capitalize = 1.0.6 = remove check if shift-key pressed add Capitalize to input = 1.0.5 = better error handlig add hasError marker Input: fix max length Input: whitespace, german umlaute and more blocked Input: enter key blocked if has an error fix some css = 1.0.4 = Input: replace "." with "-" Input: not allow numbers on first position = 1.0.3 = Fix max. german special characters Add placeholder Add placeholder settings in backend = 1.0.2 = Fix max. characters = 1.0.1 = Change Styling to column direction = 1.0.0 = Rebuild to web-components = = Remove bootstrap.js = 0.0.7 = Add new API rules Add check if bootstrap already loaded in backend = 0.0.6 = Fix translation bug Fix console errors = 0.0.5 = Fix styles Remove images from code Remove logo.gif Fix url = 0.0.4 = Remove es name-space Add ra-micro name-space = 0.0.3 = Add translation DE, EN Add javascript translation Fix some errors Fix frontend form style = 0.0.2 = Add frontend functionality Add backend = 0.0.1 = Init the Project == Arbitrary section == The general terms and conditions of https://voffice.ch/agb/ apply.