
Coffee Shop App made in Swift, uses user location and core data to get user position and show coffee shops in the area. Titled Starbucks Simulator

Starbucks Simulator - Coffee Shop Finder

This Application was built as part of a series of teaching myself swift for ios app development through xcode.

How to run code

  1. Check out or download this repository
  2. Open Starbucks Simulator 2019.xcworkspace in Xcode
  3. Choose appropriate device and run [Command]+ [R] in Xcode

How to test code

  1. Press [Command]+[U] in Xcode


Rapid Application Development for a faster development life cycle due to well designed requirements documentation.


  • This project has been developed on Xcode 11
  • Compatible with iPhone 8+, ipod touch and ipad.
  • Requires iOS 11 or later to install the app.
  • Device should support GPS and be connected to the internet.
  • Can still function without user location functionality through use of GPX files in XCode, click here to view how.

Using The App

using The App Searching for coffee