I had been learning the Bootstrap JS for a few weeks and wanted to piece together my knowledge in order to showcase to myself what I had learnt, using HTML, PHP, CSS and JQuery I designed an Aggregate Gaming Review Site that would compile reviews from different sources into one easy to filter and view website. It was a fun personal project that really helped piece together what seemed like abstract concepts. From the project I learnt more about pipelining between programming languages and more about what role Java plays in Web Development.
Demo this Project: http://andrewgeorgiou.orgfree.com/index.php
A large part of this project features data population, in the /api/ directory, there is some classes made that aid populating the review data and the reviews from txt, it is handled the same way we would handle sql but held in txt to allow you to control and view how data is pushed and pulled yourself. You can order games and filter games, search through for any games you may want to look at.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.