Author: mxcm21

========== ESSENTIAL INSTRUCTIONS ==========

1) Ensure all dependencies are installed:
	- Flask (and it's sub-dependencies)
	- Pandas 
	- An internet connection is required as website dependencies are taken from CDN's, specifically for:
		- jQuery v3.3.1
		- Bootstrap v4.1.3
		- Popper.js v1.14.3
		- FontAwesome v5.3.1

	- An internet connection is also required as my solution makes API calls to for additional information

2) Run on command line (can't be run from IDLE):
	- python3 [portNumber]
	- where portNumber is an optional parameter specifying the port to run on
	- portNumber defaults to 5000, and returns an error if port is already in use
	Note: some portNumber's will be blocked by firewall rules, so best to use 5000/8000/8080

3) Access website via:  (or your chosen portNumber)
   - or by http://localhost:5000/
	 - Website is fully compatible and tested with Chrome, Firefox and Edge (IE is not supported)

For use of the MovieLens dataset (the smaller set was used for efficiency reasons,  but code could easily be adapted for the full dataset):
F. Maxwell Harper and Joseph A. Konstan.

For use of TheMovieDB API:

Aswell as the lecture content I followed the following three tutorials to help inform me about recommendation techniques: , Accessed 31/11/2018 , Accessed 31/11/2018 , Accessed 31/11/2018

========== FEATURES (194 words) ==========

==== Dataset:
- MovieLens
- csv for interface users 
- smaller set for memory-efficiency, easily scalable 
- link to TMDB-API

==== Profiling:
- user has: Username, email, language, MovieLensID
- update functionality under "Profile"
- can create new ID to start off with no previous ratings 
- saved to csv files for persistency
- language change via dropdown
- Flask handles login/out cookies

==== Recommendations:
1) TopRecommendations
	- matrix-factorisation, interface shows predicted-rating
2) WatchAgain
	- previously rated sorted by rating/timestamp
3) Search
	- Matrix-Factorisation displays predicted-rating
	- table sorted by rating/predictedRating
	- filter by genre, and/or partial/full search-term
	- tags included, searching "pixar" returns movies tagged as pixar

Movie Modal:
	- extra information (viaTMDB)
    - list of similar movies, via item-item-collaborative-filtering
	- matrix-factorisation used to give predicted-rating if no user-rating is available

==== Personalised:
- full translation
- language specific poster

4 options which demonstrating full utf-8 characterset
- appropriate meta tags showing site has i18n features

==== Interface:
- AJAX/JSON communication to dynamically load information/translations
- clicking rows provides seamless modals
- instead of rebuilding Matricx-Factorisation-matricies every time a new rating is added, user can refresh as needed
- language-specific information message is displayed
- responsive design (jQuery/Bootsrap)