
Primary LanguageC


Huurre3D is a deferred rendering engine/framework with the following features:

  • Physically-based Cook-Torrance lighting model.
  • Tile-based dynamic lighting for directional, spot and point lights.
  • Shadow mapping for all light types, cascaded shadow maps for directional lights.
  • Tone mapping (HDR).
  • Scalable Ambient Occlusion.
  • FXAA Anti-aliasing.
  • Data-driven rendering pipeline, defined in json file.
  • Skeletal Animation.
  • Component based scene model.

Currently has OpenGL 3.3 graphics back-end an depends on GLEW, GLFW for window handling, and Assimp for model loading.

Animation demo video

Light demo video

SAO demo video

Tested only on Nvidia cards and drivers.