Web Sweeper
Project URL: https://websweeper.me
Demo video: https://youtu.be/dBb-xPG75hE
Web Sweeper was online gaming platform that allows other people to come in and watch and commentate (similar to twitch.tv). Users can either create a room and begin a game or got spectate other users playing games. There are currently 2 games available: Minesweeper and a shooting game.
Table of Contents
A classic minesweeper game that allows users to customize the size of the game board and the number of mines.
A classic 2D arcade-style shooting game that allows users to pick the difficulty of the game.
Users are able to see a list of people who are currently playing and spectate them. Spectators can communicate with other spectators and the user playing the game with the chat.
Profile customization
Users are able to customize their avatars.
Code Overview
- MongoDB - the database used by the server.
- gulpjs - tool used to automate many tasks.
- apiDoc - used to generate all the documentation for the api routes
- NodeJS (>=7.10.1) - Javascript framework used for both front end and backend
- npm (>=4.2.0) - Package management tool for NodeJS
- Angular CLI (>=1.7.3) - client we used to generate our front-end Angular application
In addition, you will also need a Mailgun account. This is used to send a verification link to a users email when they sign up.
Code Structure
- the code for the back-end serverapp.js
- the entry point to our application. This file defines the Express server, sets up connection to MongoDB, and configures the serverassets
- static images and files that are not served served directly, but used by some api routescontrollers/
- contains the route definitions. This is handled by KrakenJS. Please refer to our API Route Documentation for details.models/
- contains the Mongoose models and schemasconfig/
- contains the configurations for our applicationsockets/
- contains the code that sets up the socketslib/
- contains general libraies for our applicationtemplates/
- contains non-statically served files. Mostly.pug
- contains all the schemas used by z-schema to validate the HTTP requestgulpfile.js
- configures all the gulp tasks for api
- the code for the front-end Angular application. Most of this was auto-generated from Angular CLIvendor/
- contains third party libaries usedsrc/app/
- contains the source code for the applicationapp.module.ts
- The root module. Responsible for setting up routing and other general tasks for other modulesservices/
- Contains services that are used by most other components (eg.api.service
- Contains components related to users. (Login/Profile)common/
- Contains common components for credits and invalid urlgames/
- Contains all components/services for the game and lobbyguards/
- used forrouting.module.ts
to check user privilege
- configures all the gulp tasks for front-end
Build and Deploy
Once you have all the dependencies, we can clone and build the application
Clone project
git clone https://github.com/UTSCC09/WebSweeper
Install packages
Install packages in both api
and public
cd WebSweeper/public
npm install
cd ../api
npm install
Fix configurations
There are a few configurations you may need to set for the API
Make a copy of the mailgun.json
and add your Mailgun configurations to the json.
cp config/mailgun.json.template config/mailgun.json
Change mongo.server
in the /api/config/config.json
file to go to your own MongoDB server.
Update app.DOMAIN
and app.PORT
in the /api/config/config.json
to your desired configuration. Similarly, update the environment in the front-end at /public/src/environments/environment.prod.ts
Build Application
Run this inside of api
gulp deploy
This will:
- remove previously build project
- build the Angular application
- create the api route documentation
Start Server
node app.js
API Route Documentation
The API Route is generate from apiDoc . To generate this separately, run gulp doc
in api
and the documentation will be in doc/index.html
You can also visit https://websweeper.me/api/doc/ or ${api.domain}/api/doc
once your server is deployed.
Web Technology Used and Credits
Please visit https://websweeper.me/credits or ${api.domain}/credits
once your server is deployed.
Project Team Members
Team Name: Web Sweeper (yes, it's the same as project name.)