
Reimplementing a few libc and linked lists functions in Assembly 64_X86 Intel syntax.

Primary LanguageC

Libasm - Libc implemented in Assembly Language


This project is all about getting the basics of x86 assembly programming, by reimplementing a few libc and linked lists functions.

🔧 System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Linux 64_X86 Distribution
  • Software: nasm, make, clang,


To run the command, open your terminal and follow these steps:

  • To create libasm.a:

    (cd /path/to/project/directory && make)
  • To compile with libasm.a:

    (cd /path/to/project/directory && make)
    clang -o a.out *.o -I /path/to/project/directory/include -L /path/to/project/directory -lasm
  • To run Units Tests:

    (cd /path/to/project/directory && make units && ./units)
