______ _ _ ______ _ _
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| |____ | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | |____ > < | |_ | | | (_| | | (__ | |_ | (_) | | |
|______| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| |______| /_/\_\ \__| |_| \__,_| \___| \__| \___/ |_|
https://t.me/A_immortal99 - https://github.com/A-immortal99
Tip: If you found this script helpful, consider buying me a coffee as a token of appreciation:
- BTC: 1JtGqVD9xyQzrdbPpoBB4QjGoGxqhQMmCo
- USDT (TRC 20): TAMLo5m9qKQpqQao1Qk4ZH3xRwkLw5Q2Vj
- ETH: 0x6e82b2bc4132050b31b0bb2dbb0cfd600ba949f7
Better and simpler then online email extractor as this script can handle big files easily
How to Use it :
Download Email Extractor
Locate the Email Extractor file and your text file containing email addresses.
Just Drag and drop text files like (.txt .csv .xlsx etc..) on to Email Extractor file
The script will automatically process the file and extract unique email addresses, Remove duplicated and sort them as per domain.
After processing, it will generate an output file with the extracted email addresses in the filename.
The script will display a summary of the source file, the extraction progress, and information about the output file.