
The Wrapper For IIC Drived IO Extension PCF8574

Primary LanguageC++


  • The Wrapper For IIC Drived IO Extension PCF8574


  • My .ino file include The PCF8574 from "src/PCF5874.h", If You can put them in the same folder, just include"PCF8574.h"
    • (My Arduino couldn't recognize It When I did So)
  • Implemented A Few Methods Arduino like
    • PCF8574.digitalRead(int i) - Get The i-th PIN is HIGH/LOW
    • PCF8574.digitalWrite(int i, HIGH/LOW) - Set ...
    • PCF8574.WriteByte()
    • PCF8574.ReadByte()
    • PCFF8574.get_temp_data()
  • The ADDR For instance PCF8574 is 0x00 & 0x01
    • which means That The A0 A1 A2 being 000 & 100 (The addr fed in should be in 0~7)
  • The ADDR in Wire.beginTransmission & Wire.requestFrom() is 0x20 & 0x21
    • Which Is The HIGH 7 BIT Of The addr-reg(REFER TO DATASHEET) - (This Is Set By Arduino Wrapper Of IIC!)