
Static site/blog generator for obsidian.md

Primary LanguagePython

Obsidian SSG Blog PyPI

DISCLAIMER: Still work-in-progress, so API definitely will change. To use it you'd better to have some programming experience

The idea is to create a simple blog generated from obsidian Map Of Content notes original zettelkasten benefit.


  • Yet another static site generator for obsidian.
  • Built to use with git, github pages and action.
  • Uses handlebars template engine
  • Supports --watch and --serve modes for local writing
  • Recursively parses [[includes]] and has cycles detection
  • Automatically copies included local images into the build
  • Supports --drafts mode to work unpublished files locally
  • Privacy. Notes can be published only with explicit published: True annotation.
  • Fluent title detection from [[note | alt title]], frontmatter title attribute, or a filename.
  • Render notes as links, in case they're included in the middle of the paragraph and have link frontmatter attribute.
  • Supports filename delimeters: Topic - Category - Note becomes just Note


pip install obsidian-blog


$ obsidian-blog -h

Static site generator for obsidian.md notes.

  obsidian-blog [-d] [-w] [-s] [--port <number>] [--title <string>] [--posts_dir <directory>] [--pages_dir <directory>]

  -h --help                     Show this screen.
  -w --watch                    Enable watcher
  -s --serve                    Enable web-server
  -p --port=<number>            Web-server port [default: 4200]
  -d --drafts                   Render draft pages and posts

  --title=<string>              Blog title [default: My Blog]

  --version             Show version.


See Obsidian Blog Theme


obsidian-blog expects you have an .env file. Supported variables and their default values can be found in src/dataclasses/config_data.

Blog files

notes ❯ tree .blog -a -I .git
├── .blog
│   ├── _assets # static files to be copied into .build
│   │   └── styles.css
│   └── _layouts # layout files
│       └── main.hbs # name of layout, can be selected with `layout` frontmatter attribute. Default: `main`
├── .build # build directory created by run `obsidian-blog` to be deployed
├── .env # environment variables
├── Pages # Pages directory, contains handlebars and markdown files
└── Posts # Posts directory contains obsidian markdown files (which are anyway processed via handlebars)


Posts are obsidian markdown files with includes, images, and anything you usually have in your obsidian notes. Posts are post-processed by handlebars, so you can use it if you need (but not sure if it's a good idea tho).

title: My awesome post
date: 2021-01-01 (used for sorting)
published: True # privacy, can't be skipped
layout: main (default_layout is used if it skipped)


Pages are handlebars templates (or just markdown files), rendered via global (pages and posts lists) and local (self points to the entity being rendered) contexts.


Assets are divided into 2 types:

  • .blog/_assets copyed during the build unconditionally
  • Images insluded either with markdown reference or incline images, or by obsidian ![[]] syntax. This ones are detected and copyed during the build.


So far I'm using github actions to deploy my stuff to my blog.

Feedback and things

Just text me in telegram or file an issue. I'd be happy to know if you want to use it.


  • Obsidian Export - cli to render obsidian notes into markdown written in Rust