
Analyzing Movies Using Phrase Mining

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Analyzing Movies Using Phrase Mining



Clone the repository

git clone --recursive https://github.com/A04-Capstone-Group-02/movie-analysis.git

Download dataset

Download the CMU Movie Summary Corpus dataset and move its files to data/raw/, or run the download target.

Note that to run this repository on the UCSD DSMLP server, the dataset must be manually uploaded, since the DSMLP server cannot connect to the data source link.


Build a docker container with the Dockerfile or the remote image 991231/movie-analysis in the docker hub.


To run the clustering target, we highly recommend enabling GPU to ensure reasonable running time, since this target heavily interacts with a transformer model. Running other targets without GPU will not be an issue.


Execute the running script with the following command:

python run.py [all] [test] [download] [data] [eda] [classification] [clustering]

all target

Run data, eda, classification and clustering targets in this exact order.

test target

Runs the same 4 targets in the same order as the all target, but using the test data in test/data/raw and the test configurations.

download target

Download the CMU Movie Summary Corpus dataset and set up the data directory.

data target

Run the ETL pipeline to process the raw data. This target will run AutoPhrase to extract quality phrases, clean categories, combine the processed data into a dataframe, and generate a profile report of the dataset.

The configuration file for this target is etl.json (or etl_test.json for test target), which contains the following items:

  • data_in: the path to the input data (relative to the root)
  • false_positive_phrases: phrases to remove from the quality phrase list
  • false_positive_substrings: substrings to remove from the quality phrase list

The configuration file for the AutoPhrase submodule is autophrase.json, which contains the following items:

  • MIN_SUP: the minimum count of a phrase to include in the training process
  • MODEL: the path to the output model (relative to the root)
  • RAW_TRAIN: the path to the raw corpus for training (relative to the root)
  • TEXT_TO_SEG: the path to the raw corpus for segmentation (relative to the root)
  • THREAD: the number of threads to use

eda target

Run the EDA pipeline. This target will find the temporal change of quality phrase distributions and generate visualizations to show the findings.

The configuration file for this target is eda.json (or eda_test.json for test target), which contains the following items:

  • data_in: the path to the input data (relative to the root)
  • data_out: the path to the output directory (relative to the root)
  • example_movie: example movie to profile
  • year_start: the earliest year to analyze
  • year_end: the latest year to analyze
  • decade_start: the earliest decade to analyze
  • decade_end: the latest decade to analyze
  • phrase_count_threshold: the minimum count of a quality phrase to be included in the analysis
  • stop_words: the stop words to ignore in the analysis
  • compact: whether to output a full or compact visualization
  • n_bars: number of bars to display in the bar plots
  • movie_name_overflow: number of characters in visualization until ellipses
  • dpi: subplot dpi (dot per inches)
  • fps: fps (frame per second) of the bar chart race animation
  • seconds_per_period: the time each subplot will take in the bar chart race animation

classification target

Run the classification pipeline. This target will transform the data into a TF-IDF matrix, fit a one-vs-rest logistic regression as the classifier and tune the parameters if specified.

The configuration file for this target is classification.json, which contains the following items:

  • data: the path to the input data (relative to the root)
  • baseline: a boolean indicator to specify running baseline (true-like) or parameter tuning (false-like)
  • top_genre: a number to specify the number of genres in the final output plot, default is 10
  • top_phrase: a number of specify the number of words/phrases in the final output plot, default is 10

clustering target

Run the clustering pipeline. This target will pick representative sentences based on average sublinear TF-IDF score on the quality phrases, calculate document embeddings by average the Sentence-BERT embeddings of the representative sentences, and visualize the clusters.

The configuration file for this target is clustering.json, which contains the following items:

  • clu_num_workers: the number of workers to use
  • clu_rep_sentences_path: the path to the checkpoint representative sentences file (relative to the root), or an empty string "" to disable the checkpoint
  • clu_doc_embeddings_path: the path to the checkpoint document embeddings file (relative to the root), or an empty string "" to disable the checkpoint
  • clu_dim_reduction: the dimensionality reduction method to apply on the document embeddings for visualization, choose one from {"PCA", "TSNE"}
  • clu_sbert_base: the sentence transformer model to use, can be either a pretrained model or a path to the saved model
  • clu_sbert_finetune: enable finetuning or not
  • clu_sbert_finetune_config: configurations for finetuning, will only be used if finetuning is enabled
    • train_size: total number of training pairs to sample
    • sample_per_pair: number of training pairs to sample per sampled document pair
    • train_batch_size: batch size for training
    • epochs: number of epochs to train
  • clu_num_clusters: number of clusters to generate
  • clu_num_rep_features: number of top representative features to store
  • clu_rep_features_min_support: the minimum support of a feature to be analyzed with summarizing the clusters


  • Daniel Lee
  • Huilai Miao
  • Yuxuan Fan