
Requirements for the A11YChi Camp website. Initial delivery to students of Designation for project work.

Requirements for A11YChi Camp Website

Requirements for the A11YChi Camp website. Initial delivery to students of Designation for project work.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of A11YChi Camp
  2. Purpose & Goals for the Website
  3. Required Features

1. Overview of A11YChi Camp

A11Y Camp is an extension to the Chicago Digital Accessibility & Inclusive Design Meetup, which holds monthly meetup events on topics related to digital accessibility and inclusive design. The single day event will be held in downtown Chicago and attract 150 digital professionals throughout Chicagoland and beyond to attend 45 minute sessions throughout the day.

Presently, the timing for the day-long camp would be late Summer, early Fall.

Accessibility considerations will be throughout. There are opportunities to go beyond the norm to reach a wow factor. This includes elevators, ramps, signage in braille.

The event is planned to be catered; the degree depends on the location of the venue and sponsorship support. Ideally, there would be morning "continental breakfast" fare. Hot and cold beverages throughout the day. Lunch may be provided, again, depending on sponsorship support.

All food and beverage must provide a diverse fare, offering individuals options for vegan, lactose intolerance, gluten free, etc.

Volunteers from the A11YChi meetup will be available to assist with registration, individual's assistance, as well as A/V speaker support.

2. Purpose & Goals for the Website


The purpose of the website is to promote and provide information for the A11YChi Camp, a day-long event featuring 6-8 talks on digital accessibility to a varied audience, including Designers, UX Professionals, Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts and more.


The goals are twofold:


Promotion of the event via digital (social media, email, etc.) and offline (old-school public relations, news and article fodder, etc.) means.


Information on the event, such as schedule, registration, location, public transportation, etc.

Known Technical Specifications

  • Platform: WordPress
  • Framework: Bootstrap
  • Registration Handling: TBD

Here are examples of similar Camp websites the site should be simialr to:

3. Required Features

Below are some of the required features for the website to offer.

Event Information

Content that addresses the Who, What, When, Where, How of the event.

Schedule of Sessions

A list with the schedule of sessions, including time, name of presentation, brief description of presentation, speaker name, link to a more detailed description of the talk.

Speaker Information

A list of speakers for the event, including name, photo, name of presentation, link to individual speaker page with speaker bio, links to social media accounts, personal website, etc.

Sponsor Information

List of sponsors for the event. Sponsor list will be tiered/leveled, i.e. Silver Level, Gold Level, Platinum Level, etc.

Organizer Information

Information on the organizer (A11YChi Meetup), Dennis Deacon and organizers, etc.

Social Media Information, Feeds, etc.

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Registration Information

Register for the event. Form to accept contact information, payment information, t-shirt size, etc.

Subscribe for Updates

A form to allow for inout of email address (two-factor authentication)