Healthcare Website

Instead of saving data in central database ,Which can be corrupted , A centralise databse where every patient can get an identifier, And other higher authority check database which has acess only to the individual. By inserting patient information into distributed ledger technology, the company connects doctors, scientists, lab technicians and public health authorities quicker than ever. For maintaining the privacy ,we will work on database and annoymous data that can be implemented by creating our own NFT's which are saved in personalized wallet linked with individual G-mail. Providing medicinal data over description using 2-d QR barcode system in which we'll try to store data in forms of NFT's . Adding on to rewarding the data shared with you with token with very inexpensive value .Further bifurcation of medicinal treatment like Homoeopathy, Allopathyand regular medicines into databse stored with proper prescription

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To deploy this project run

  npm run deploy


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