
Test Code For Xgboost or Daal-Gbt-Reg

  1. Generate Fake Data.
  2. Run the Model.
  3. Please Make Sure You Have Installed Pkgs for pandas, sklearn, numpy, xgboost, daal4py(only for daal-gbt-reg).


  • generate fake data
$ python gen_fake_data.py
  • run xgboost model
$ python main.py
  • run daal model
$ python main.py --mode daal


arg explanation
--model xgb or daal
--input_path input files dir
--output_path output files dir
--xgb_params_grid params of xgb model
--daal_params_grid params of daal model
--src_cols columns for training
--tgt_cols label for training
--total_file_counts counts of files for testing

Attention !

  • If the version of you xgboost < 1.0, it will display xgb objective warning, please run
$ python -W ignore main.py