This Readme is for the backend of the project.
Following are main dependencies:
is used as the server; it is the main part of the app.
is used to communicate with the database.
MongoDB is a NoSql Database. Most preferred Db.
Always check for spelling errors, it may be a pain in the ass that because of some silly mistakes, one whole function or middleware might not work!
Always run the front-end, React app with the following command, after entering into the client directory.
npm start
Always run the server with the follwoing command, after entering into the server directory:
npm start
Along with the server, mongoDB connection also needs to be made and started, with the following command:
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
To view the database, run the following command in another terminal
The database for this project is called ecommerce
. on initialising the database, use the following command,
use ecommerce
ecommerce database has the following collections;
- users
- category
- products
The app consists of the main app.js
file, it also includes other files,
controller file
is like the main face of the entire app; that takes care of all the routing in the website.
is a file that is used for creating different models for category, product, user, to be put into the database [mongodb].
is a file that takes care of creating all the middlewares for the app. Consists of middlewares for auth, category, product and user.
- the middlewares created in the controller file needs to be exported first, inorder to use it in another file. In the following way:
//body of code.(middleware)
is a file that consists of the routing to be done in the app. Consists of routes for auth, category, product, user.
- the middlewares from the controller files need to imported first, inorder to place the middleware in the routes. In the following way:
import {middleware_name} = require("name_of_file_to_import_from")
- after creating a router app, the router object needs to be exported. in the following way:
module.exports = router;
For admin and auth routing, correct id and token is required to be filled in postman.
[signout] may/may not be working rn along with [requireSignin] function, because admin and auth priviledges can still be attained, after signing out user.
And [requireSignin] function doesn't seem to be working, because it directly prints {"hello"} message even after signing out user. in short, [signout] may not be working, or some complex confusion exists.
E-commerce app following Ryan D
[✅] 1] API (Building the API with Node.JS)
[✅] 2] Project setup (Setting up the project)
[✅] 3] Database Setup (Connecting with the database[MongoDB])
[✅] 4] User Signup
[✅] 5] Validation
[✅] 6] User signin using JWT (Signing in user after validation is completed; based on [JSON_Web_Token])
[✅] 7] Auth/Admin middleware (Creating middleware, to check whether the user is authenticated or whether the user is an Admin)
[✅] 8] Categories - create (creating a category for the products)
[✅] 9] products - CRUD
[✅] 10] Products - by arrival, sold, search (All these types will be coming from front end client as a [route_parameter])
[✅] 1] setup
[✅] 2] Routing/ menu
[❌] 3] signin/signup
[ ] 4] admin route/ private route (two separate routes-> [admin]and [private])
[ ] 5] user / admin dashboard (two separate dashboards, [user] and [admin])
[ ] 6] create category
[ ] 7] create product
[ ] 8] products by sell
[ ] 9] products by arrivals
[ ] 10] shop page with filter products by [categories/price]
[ ] 11] filter products based on categories using checkbox
[ ] 11] filter products based on price using radio buttons
[ ] 12] search products with option of category
[ ] 13] single product view (single product to be shown)
[ ] 14] single product view with related products sidebar (single product view, with related products on the side bar like [Amazon])
[ ] 15] cart page
[ ] 16] add product to cart
[ ] 17] product increment and decrement (to increase or decrease the number of products in the cart)
[ ] 18] remove product from cart
[ ] 19] show total
[ ] 20] payment integration using brintree (brintree is a PayPal company, which makes it easy to integrate payment method)
[ ] 21] checkout (checkout after successful completion of payment)
alternating between backend and frontend
[ ] 1] API - processing payment
[ ] 2] REACT - processing payment with brintree dropin UI
[ ] 3] delivery address
[ ] 4] finalise payment
[ ] 5] send order details to backend
[ ] 6] saving orders
[ ] 7] sold products count/ update after selling
[ ] 8] view all orders
[ ] 9] order status update (status update such as processing/delivered)
[ ] 10] profile update
[ ] 11] product update (any updates to be done by admin)
[ ] 12] deployment