
CLI tool to help you "clone all" git repositories belonging to you.

Primary LanguageVMIT LicenseMIT


vlang.io | hungrybluedev

CI License: MIT Git Latest Tag

A phonetic play on the phrase "clone all". It is a CLI tool written in V to clone all repositories belonging to you (or the authenticated user).


  1. Supports GitHub and Gitea.
  2. Retrieves information about both public and private repositories belonging to the authenticated user.
  3. You can list all available repositories, clone them, or run git pull on existing clones. It uses the user's SSH key to clone.


I self-host my Gitea instance. It contains several private repositories. There are some instances where I need to upgrade the server or perform some maintenance. Although I use Docker Compose with mounted volumes to manage the Gitea instance, there may be times where data retention is not possible. I need to restart my service from scratch. In order to help with these "from-scratch" scenarios, I wrote this tool.

It allows me to automatically retrieve all of my repositories and clone them locally. I can stash away a password-protected local copy while I upgrade my git server in peace.


  1. You must have Git installed. Use your package manager or navigate to Git's Website to download the latest version.
  2. You must have a GitHub or Gitea account.
  3. Add an SSH key to your appropriate account.
  4. Generate an personal access token with the minimum scope of repo (to allow viewing private repositories) and set an expiration of 7 days or the lowest possible. Regenerate this key when it expires.


From Source using Git

Step 1: Install V and symlink it.

If you already have V installed, update your installation by doing v up.

Step 2: Clone and compile klonol

# Move into a convenient place to install klonol
cd ~/oss/apps

# Clone this repository and move into it
git clone https://github.com/hungrybluedev/klonol.git --depth 1
cd klonol

# Build the executable
v build.vsh

The optimized klonol binary is saved in the bin subdirectory.

Step 3: Add to PATH

Add the bin subdirectory to your PATH. You can edit your ~/.bashrc file in Unix-line systems to do this. On Windows, use the system dialog.

Step 4: Test installation

Running the following command from any directory should provide a detailed description on the tool including its name, version, description, and available options.

klonol -h


Setting the environment variables

For GitHub the following variables need to be set.

Name Description Compulsory
GITHUB_USERNAME The username whose repositories are to be queried Yes
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN The personal access token generated previously Yes
GITHUB_BASE_URL The base domain to be used to test SSH and make API calls from. Defaults to github.com No

For Gitea the following need to be set:

Name Description Compulsory
GITEA_USERNAME The username whose repositories are to be queried Yes
GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN The personal access token generated previously Yes
GITEA_BASE_URL The domain where the Gitea instance is hosted. Do not include the protocol (e.g. https://) Yes

For Unix-like systems, copy the .env.sample file, fill in the appropriate values, comment out the ones you don't need. Then run the following to add the required variables to your session:

source .env

For Windows, you need to set the environment variables manually (for now). If you want to make it analogous to the Unix way, please contribute a solution.

Running klonol

Once the environment variables have been set, klonol will retrieve the relevant information automatically.

Help Information

# Get the version
klonol --version
# output:
# klonol 0.3.x

# Get detailed usage information
klonol -h
# OR
klonol --help
# output:
# klonol 0.3.x
# -----------------------------------------------
# Usage: klonol [options] [ARGS]

# Description: A CLI tool to "clone all" repositories belonging to you.

# klonol requires Access Tokens to work properly. Refer to README for more
# information. It retrieves information about ALL available repositories
# belonging to the authenticated user. Both public and private.

# Please follow safety precautions when storing access tokens, and read
# the instructions in README carefully.

# Options:
#   -p, --provider <string>   git provider to use
#   -a, --action <string>     action to perform
#   -v, --verbose             enable verbose output
#   -h, --help                display this help and exit
#   --version                 output version information and exit

Sample usage flow for GitHub

# Navigate to a directory to store all the repositories in
cd ~/Backups/GitHub

# List all available repositories

# Clone all available repositories
klonol --action clone
# OR
klonol -a clone

# ... After some time has passed ...
# Pull all changes from GitHub
klonol -a pull

Sample usage flow for Gitea

# Navigate to a directory to store all the repositories in
cd ~/Backups/Gitea

# List all available repositories
klonol --provider gitea
# OR
klonol -p gitea

# Clone all available repositories
klonol --action clone --provider gitea
# OR
klonol -a clone -p gitea

# ... After some time has passed ...
# Pull all changes from GitHub
klonol -a pull -p gitea

Updating klonol

If you've installed it from source, navigate to the folder where you cloned the repository. Then run git pull. After all the changes have been downloaded, run v build.vsh.

You don't need to change the PATH variable if klonol is already added to PATH.


This project is distributed under the MIT License.