
Ann Arbor Functional Programming User Group

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Ann Arbor Functional Programming User Group

We are a group of people in Ann Arbor, MI, interested in Functional Programming. We're interested in heaps of languages like Haskell, Scala, F#, Erlang, LISP, Ocaml, Scheme, and more.

Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along, meetings are usually the last Wednesday of the month and are announced on meetup.com. Attendees should RSVP.

We also have a Google group for further discussions.


Talk proposals should be created as github issues in this repo.

Proposals should:

  • include a title and a short description of the talk
  • be assigned to the proposed speaker
  • tagged with the proposal label
  • mention the expected length
  • specify an indication of when they will be ready by. If no indication of when they are for is provided they may be scheduled for the next meeting.

Please vote for talks by starring/favouriting them.

Code of Conduct

A2FP is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. At the moment we don't need a formal "Code of Conduct", please use your common sense.