
The official Anime Radio Club Discord bot made with Discord JS!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Completely reworked Anime Radio Club bot!

Proudly made with Discord JS

Command List:

Anime Radio Club now uses per-guild config and has a per-guild prefix which the default is always >

  • help Displays the help message

  • ping Pong!

  • stats Check Anime Radio Club's stats

  • setprefix Set the prefix for your guild

  • invite Grab the invite links for the bot

  • website Grab the website and github link for the bot

  • updates Displays the update notes so you know what's new in this version of the bot

  • restart Restart the bot (Only for bot owner)

  • play <radio number> Plays a radio station

  • list Lists the possible radio stations to be played

  • volume <0-200> Set's the volume for the bot

  • report Report a bug or something, not that you'd know if that command was a bug

  • request Request a suggestion for a radio station to be added in (Limited to using this command 3 times a day)

Hosting Anime Radio Club as your own bot:


These are the stuff you'll have to install before doing anything

  • discord.js, if it wasn't obvious enough
  • request
  • sqlite, for per-guild prefixes (could also use my code to learn how to do per-guild config if you wanted to :D)
  • npm install --save @discordjs/opus to install voice for the bot


Invite Anime Radio Club to your server or get support here

View our Website!

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Discord Bots