Destiny Damage Tracker

Destiny Damage Tracker is a tool for Destiny 2 that helps you keep track of certain statistics and information. This includes the boss's current health, the fireteam's DPS (damage per second), the estimated time to defeat the boss, and more.

How it Works

The functionality of Destiny Damage Tracker is pretty straightforward. It counts the pixels in the boss's health bar on the screen and uses this data to calculate the statistics that are presented to you.

How to Use DDT

Once installed you may need to run it once for the settings file to show up. From there adjust your settings however you like, making sure to have the screen settings match your in game settings. Then you can run the program again or press the hotkey to quick reload the script. From there press the hotkey to open the boss selector (by default it is F3) select a boss or default and press "OK". Now you are good to go.


  • If you have an older CPU or have many things running in the background the program may not be very consistent and can cause the health percent to flicker between 0 and 100 which will mess up the DPS calculations.
  • Shadowplay recordings may be flickery with the overlay. Using the separate window to display info allows for normal shadowplay behavior.

In Game Demo

Check out a short video of DDT in use here:


You have two options for installing Destiny Damage Tracker:

  • Releases Page: Navigate to the releases page and download the most recent release.
  • Download and Extract: Download the files, extract them into a preferred folder, and run the DDT.ahk file.

Setup and Settings

Before you start using Destiny Damage Tracker, you might want to adjust some settings to fit your preferences. You can do this in the "settings.txt" file in the program's folder. You'll find several options there that allow you to change how the tool looks and behaves.

Understanding the Settings

Here's a brief overview of each setting in the settings.txt file:

Reload Script Hotkey

A hotkey for swiftly closing and relaunching the program with one button press, handy for applying new settings.

Settings GUI Hotkey

Press the assigned hotkey to open a window where you can select which boss you are facing. Upon selection, the tool loads the respective boss's health pool, assuming the on-screen health bar corresponds to that boss. Choose "Default" or "Default with final stand" for a percentage-based health and DPS calculation.

Manually Start and Stop DPS Phases

Toggle this option to take control of DPS phases, determining when they start and stop. Note that DPS and certain other metrics are only calculated during DPS phases. If set to 'false', DPS phases commence and conclude automatically based on the boss's health bar changes.

Start And Stop DPS Phase Hotkey

A dedicated hotkey to manually control DPS phases—only functional if the above setting is 'true'.

Include DPS Calculations

Enabling this option will display sustained and burst DPS numbers, calculated by dividing the damage done by the elapsed time of the DPS phase.

DPS Numbers Near Crosshair

Toggle to relocate DPS numbers (if enabled) from below the boss's health bar to flanking the crosshair.

Include Burst and Sustained Specifiers

Enable this to add "Burst" and "Sustained" labels for a clear distinction between DPS numbers.

Decimal Places in Main Health Percentage

Specify the number of decimal places for the main health percentage displayed under the boss's health bar. Default is set to 2.

Include Estimated Boss Health

Enable this setting to display an estimate of the remaining boss health beneath the health percentage.

Show Damage Dealt Instead of Boss Health

Switch the displayed number under the health percentage from estimated remaining health to the total damage dealt to the boss.

Show Damage Phase Duration

Turn on to display a timer indicating the active DPS phase duration.

Show Estimated Time to Kill

Turn on to display the estimated time to defeat the boss based on current DPS and remaining boss health.

Display info in a separate window

If set to 'true', the information provided by the program will be displayed in a separate window. If 'false', the information will overlay the game screen.

GUI Text Color

Personalize the text color displayed by the program. Basic colors such as "White", "Red", "Green", and hex color codes are accepted (e.g., "FF0000" for red).

GUI Text Font

Customize the text font to any installed on your computer.

Make Text Bold

Switch this option on to bold all the text from the program.


Enable this setting for the program to function optimally on 1920x1080 monitors. If disabled, the program adjusts to work for 2560x1440 monitors, which is its default setting.

Ultrawide 1440p Monitor

Switch this option on for optimal performance on ultrawide 3440x1440 monitors. You may have to adjust your screen bounds for this to work, the wider the better.

Colorblind Setting

Set this to match your in-game colorblind setting. The accepted options are "Normal", "Deuteranopia", "Protanopia", and "Tritanopia".

Brightness Level

Adjust the brightness level of the program to match your screen. Supported brightness options are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Lower brightness options may be less consistent.

🙏 Credits 🙏

Thank you to Urnan for the awesome logo for DDT. Check out more of his work here

The Gdip_all library is from tic: