An SQL + Power Automate based approach to show dynamic table content inside a Power BI Report. Works by first computing the maximum column from the range of input tables and then mapping those max columns in the report. The stored procedure Creates / Alters View definition (View: dbo.vDynamic_Table) according to columns of the supplied table (Parameter-2)
SP_DynamicTable Schema_name, Tablename, MaxColumnRange
Eg: SP_DynamicTable 'dbo', 'Customers', 12
Id | c1 | c2 | c3 | ... | c[m] | ... | c(n) |
0 | 'c1' | 'c2' | 'c3' | 'c[m]' | x | ||
1 | x | ||||||
2 | x | ||||||
3 | x |
(i.e, SELECT * FROM dbo.vDynamic_Table)
-- Where,
c = Column names of the supplied table (SP Parameter-2).
m = Total number of columns in the supplied table.
x = Indicates a white space character.
n = Highest column count across the range of tables (SP Parameter-3).
- CASE-1 : If Supplied table exists.
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW dbo.vDynamic_Table AS
SELECT -- Generate Table Headers
0 AS Id
'c1' AS Column1,
'c2' AS Column2,
'c3' AS Column3,
'c:' AS Column4,
'c[m]' AS Column5,
'x' AS Column6,
'x' AS Column7,
'x' AS Column8,
'x' AS Column(n)
SELECT -- Generate Table Body
CAST(c1 AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Column1,
CAST(c2 AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Column2,
CAST(c3 AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Column3,
CAST(c: AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Column4,
CAST(c[m] AS VARCHAR(255)) AS Column5,
'x' AS Column6,
'x' AS Column7,
'x' AS Column8,
'x' AS Column(n)
FROM table1
- CASE-2 : If Supplied table does not exist.
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW dbo.vDynamic_Table AS
SELECT -- Generate Table Headers
404 AS Id
'Table Not Found.' AS Column1,
'x' AS Column2,
'x' AS Column3,
'x' AS Column4,
'x' AS Column(n),