
Easily manage automated server tasks for WordPress based sites.

Primary LanguageShell

Simple Automated Tasks

This is a repo for sharing how I manage automated tasks as part of the series Hosting WordPress Yourself.


Copy the .tasks directory to your home directory:

     - backups.sh
     - cron.sh
     - permissions.sh
     - sites.sh
     + backups
     + cache
     + logs
     + public
     + backups
     + cache
     + logs
     + public
     + backups
     + cache
     + logs
     + public

Ensure the bash scripts have execute permissions chmod +x backups.sh checksums.sh cron.sh permissions.sh sites.sh.

Update sites.sh with the absolute path to where your site directories reside. Update backups.sh, checksums.sh, cron.sh and permissions.sh with the absolute path of your sites.sh file.

Add each site to the sites.sh config file:


Add a cronjob for each individual task crontab -e. The following example will run WordPress cron every 5 minutes, perform backups daily at 5AM, update file permissions daily at 6AM and verify checksums at 7AM:

*/5 * * * * cd /home/a5hley/.tasks; bash cron.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
0 5 * * * cd /home/a5hley/.tasks; bash backups.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
0 6 * * * cd /home/a5hley/.tasks; bash permissions.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
0 7 * * * cd /home/a5hley/.tasks; bash checksums.sh >/dev/null 2>&1

If you plan on sending backups to S3 you must also install and configure the AWS CLI tools.

The checksums task requires a Pushbullet account, so that notifications are pushed to your computer, IOS or Android devices. Add your Access Token to the checksums.sh file:
