Hi there 👋, My name is Abhilash M Hadli.

Student | Developer | Learner

  • 🎗 I'm interested in working with Fullstack Applications and deeply passionate about software development.
  • 💻 I’m currently focusing on DSA and working on personal projects(Web/App/Blockchain).
  • ⚡ Besides programming, I love playing cricket.

📫 Connect with me:

a7_abhilash abhilash-m-hadli-a71b481b1 a7abhilash@gmail.com

PS: Icons aren't visible in dark mode.

🎀 Publications:

  • Code House: Find the first-rate tutorials you want to learn. This app is a collection of YouTube tutorials for getting started with programming that are splendid, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Track My Attendance: A very helpful app to manage your college attendance and make sure you never go off the track.

👨‍💻 Technologies that I'm familiar with:

  • Languages: C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Solidity
  • Libraries/Frameworks: Bootstrap, jQuery, React JS, React Native, Gatsby JS, GraphQL, Node.js, Express JS, EJS, Mongoose, Electron JS, Truffle, Web3.js
  • Database: MongoDB, MySQL
  • Backend as a service: Firebase
  • Tools: Git, VS Code

📚 GitHub Stats:

Abhilash github status