
This project is a simple Library Management System implemented in C. It provides basic functionalities for managing books and user records.

Primary LanguageC

Library Management System

This project is a simple Library Management System implemented in C. It provides basic functionalities for managing books and user records.


  • main.c: This is the entry point of the application. It includes the library_system.c file and calls the password() function to start the system.

  • library_system.c and library_system.h: These files contain the implementation and declaration of the functions used in the library management system.

  • book_Records.txt, rent_Records.txt, user_Records.txt: These text files store the records for books, rents, and users respectively.

  • temporary.txt: This file is used for temporary storage during certain operations.


  • main.exe: This is the main executable file that runs the library management system.

  • a.exe: This is an auxiliary executable file.

How to Run

To run the project, execute the main.exe file.


  • User authentication
  • Add, view, edit, and delete book records
  • Add, view, edit, and delete user records
  • Rent and return books

Future Improvements

  • Implement a graphical user interface
  • Add a search functionality for books and users
  • Improve the security of user authentication