
Public repo for the ICML2020 paper "Adding seemingly uninformative labels helps in low data regimes"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Originally published at the proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020

Evidence suggests that networks trained on large datasets generalize well not solely because of the numerous training examples, but also class diversity which encourages learning of enriched features. This raises the question of whether this remains true when data is scarce - is there an advantage to learning with additional labels in low-data regimes? In this work, we consider a task that requires difficult-to-obtain expert annotations: tumor segmentation in mammography images. We show that, in low-data settings, performance can be improved by complementing the expert annotations with seemingly uninformative labels from non-expert annotators, turning the task into a multi-class problem. We reveal that these gains increase when less expert data is available, and uncover several interesting properties through further studies. We demonstrate our findings on Csaw-S, a new dataset that we introduce here, and confirm them on two public datasets.

Enviroment setup

To install the enviroment we use run: conda env create -f environment.yml


  • Training: python ./segmentation.py --json_path params.json
  • Testing (using json file): python ./segmentation.py --json_path params.json --test
  • Testing (using saved checkpoint): python ./segmentation.py --checkpoint CheckpointName --test
  • Fine tune the learning rate: python ./segmentation.py --json_path params.json --lr_finder

Configuration (json file)

  • dataset_params
    • data_location: Location that the datasets are located
    • dataset_location: Location of the dataset inside the data_location (Cityscapes, VOC, CsawS)
    • crop_size: Patch size for the CSAW-S dataset
    • is_binary: If True the masks are converted to binary masks (main target - background)
    • use_full_training_set: If true all the training examples are used during training
    • how_many_samples: Number of examples to include for training (if use_full_training_set is False)
    • subset_n: Which subset of the full training set to use (if use_full_training_set is False)
    • main_target: The main target (cancer for CSAW-S, person for Cityscapes and Pascal VOC)
    • annotator_id: The annotator's ID for the test set on CSAW-S (int values 1-3)
    • is_coarse: If True, it uses the coarse complementary labels on Cityscapes
    • bootstrap_images: If False, it orders the cities on Cityscapes for the training set
    • n_complementary_labels: Number of complementary labels to include (accepts int or "all")
    • leave_one_out: Which complementary label to exclude for the leave-one-out experiments (if apply is true)
    • test_on_gold_standard: If True, it evaluates on the golden standard (works only with CSAW-S)
    • download_data: Download data for Pascal VOC
    • train_transforms: Defines the augmentations for the training set
    • val_transforms: Defines the augmentations for the validation set
    • test_transforms: Defines the augmentations for the test set
  • dataloader_params: Defines the dataloader parameters (batch size etc)
  • model_params
    • backbone_type: type of the backbone model (using resnets)
    • segmentation_type: deeplabv3 or FCN
    • pretrained: If True, it uses ImageNet pretrained weights
    • freeze_backbone: If True, it freezes the backbone network
    • goup_norm
      • replace_with_goup_norm: If True, it replaces BatchNorm with GroupNorm
      • num_groups: Number of groups for the GroupNorm
      • keep_stats: If true, it initializes with pretrained statistics on ImageNet
  • training_params: Define learning rate, weight decay, learning rate schedule etc.
    • keep val_every and save_every to 1
    • log_every: Number of iterations that validates and saves the model
    • lr_scheduler (MultiStepLR, ReduceLROnPlateau or None)
  • system_params: Defines if GPUs are used, which GPUs etc.
  • log_params: Project and run name for the logger (we are using Weights & Biases)
  • lr_finder: Define the learning rate parameters
    • grid_search_params
      • min_pow, min_pow: The min and max power of 10 for the search
      • resolution: How many different learning rates to try
      • n_epochs: maximum epochs of the training session
      • random_lr: If True, it uses random learning rates withing the accepted range
      • report_intermediate_steps: If True, it logs if validates throughout the training sessions