
Add Syntax Highlighting when programming using the MIPS language in Notepad++.

Notepad++ MIPS Syntax Highlighting

Add Syntax Highlighting when coding using the MIPS assembly language in Notepad++

Installation and Usage

  1. Download the userDefineLang.xml file.
  2. Navigate to the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ directory. In that directory you should find other .xml files and possibly a file named userDefineLang.xml.
  3. If there isn't such a file in the directory, just copy the file you downloaded into that directory and go to step 5.
  4. Otherwise, in order to not lose any other user-defined languages, open the downloaded file, copy everything between the <UserLang> and </UserLang> tag, including the tags, and paste it right after the <NotepadPlus> tag in the userDefineLang.xml file already present on your computer.
  5. Save the userDefineLang.xml file, restart Notepad++ and under the menu Language you should find the MIPS language you just installed. Click on it to set it as the language of the current file and you're done!


Image showcasing syntax highlighting