
Pose estimation of a marker

Primary LanguagePython


Pose estimation of a custom marker

I have designed a blue rectangular-marker with a red and green circle inside it.


  1. Marker segmentation from background.
  2. Extracting the corners of the marker.
  3. Labelling the corners of the marker corresponding to the world-cordinates
  4. Calculation of Rotation and translation using solvePnP

Kindly refer the pose estimation project

SubTask Involved

To detect hand and count the number of fingers shown


  1. Hand detection using Haar cascade.
  2. Contour of hand and convex hull.
  3. Find the Convexity defects.
  4. Count the number of fingers with the help of available defects.

This was done in C++, Python programming languages

Kindly refer thefinger_count