
Container to use CODE-RADE

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Docker Repository on Quay [Build Status](https://ci.sagrid.ac.za/job/execution containers)


Container to use CODE-RADE, built with Ansible-Container


This is a container-ready Ansilbe project, which is designed to use the CODE-RADE application repository. CODE-RADE publishes pre-built and tested scientific applications to a CVMFS repository. It applies the cvmfs-client-2.2 role - typically from Ansible Galaxy. Containers are built and pushed to the Quay registry.


If you would like to build, extend or fork the containers, you will need Ansible Container available locally :

virtualenv coderade
source  coderade/bin/activate
pip install ansible-container[docker]
ansible-container build


The containers are automatically built by [Jenkins](https://ci.sagrid.ac.za/view/Infrastructure/job/execution containers/) and pushed to Quay. They can be simply pulled and used standalone, or deployed against your cloud platform (Kubernetes or OpenShift)


Although this project is designed to be used in a cloud environment, it can be run standalone using docker. Note that since the container needs to mount a FUSE filesystem (CVMFS), it needs to be run privileged:

docker pull quay.io/aaroc/code-rade-client-centos7
docker run --privileged -ti quay.io/code-rade-client-centos7 /bin/bash -c 'mount -a ; cat /cvmfs/code-rade.africa-grid.org/version`

This should display the version of the repository and the job which triggered it.

Ansible Container

You can run the containers locally using a Docker instance, once they have been built.

ansible-container run 
