

This is a data application that comprises of the follwing data models:

  1. Classification Model
  2. Regression Model
  3. Object Detection Model

Datasets Used

  1. Classification Model
    • Titanic Survival Dataset
    • Car Evaluation Dataset
  2. Regression MOdel
    • Beer Reviews Dataset
    • NYSE Dataset
  3. Object Detection Model
    • Cats and Dogs Labeled Data


This app has been impleted using Sreamlit, which is very convinent and built for the use of data-science. The models have built with the help of Keras. This project has also been dockerized.

Basic Working

The app mainly consits of a sidebar and a mainpanel. Sidebar has been used to take input from the user. Whereas the main panel has been used to toggle between the models and datasets. The entered data and the prediction are displayed in the main panel.
