
All in one tourism app

Primary LanguagePython


All in one tourism app

Based on the user's gps location, the app will provide certain amenities, such as: local restaurant recommendations (based on reviews), useful phrases in local language with text to speech, upload foreign language image to translate , sources to touristy information (art, architecture, notable figures) relevant to your specific location, playlist with local music with direct link to spotify, apple music etc and weather

Tourist App geared to a “tourist” person travelling abroad.

The tourist would utilize the app to help navigate and organize their trip experience.

Initially, the user should log in to the app and have their personal profile set up for there.

Upon logging in, they have their destination country displayed, the present hotel and hotel information, emergency services near by, and emergency contact.


Restaurant recommendations

In a different tab/page, various restaurants (with reviews from both locals and tourists) will be recommended to them (based off their gps location. So the restaurants begin from closet to farthest (and can be adjusted).

Language Help

Another element would be “language help”. In this section the tourist can access a list of common phrases within the language that also shows the tourists origin language as well.

The phrases can go from text to speech.

Sources to tourist entertainment

Display data for near by

  • museums
  • real-time entertainment
  • Festivals
  • Architecture
  • Places you “have to” visit

Music Element

  • embed a api / link to Spotify / Apple Music to display playlists or musicians related to the tourist visiting country And I’ll include the tour group communications
  • Python, django of flask
  • Mongodb atlas database

Front end should include

  • Create profile for tourist
  • Login app securely as a tourist
  • Tourist - can customized their profile, leave reviews
  • Admin login - able to adjust to the database (create new elements, delete)


  • database for admin, tourist
  • Restaurant database, hotel database
  • Api connecting to third part music app and display that data - tourist should be redirected to the app with the song selected / presented to them